I need to work on my titles…

I’m going to start by apologising right now, this is going to be a stupidly long post again, but I just can’t help myself! I edit and edit and try and cut things down but its soooooo hard!

Castle – E06, 07, 08

So I was deciding which show I should catch up on first this week, and decided on Castle. There were only three episodes, it’s the mid-season finale and I just wanted to find out if Caskett will survive! And my prayers were answered. In the episode 6, Beckett wasn’t present, but Ethan Slaughter was back to partner with Castle, and it took me so long to realise that it was Adam Baldwin who was on Firefly with Nathan Fillion! Thanks to him, it was a bit of a funny episode, which I definitely enjoyed on my gloomy Tuesday morning bus ride to work. Episode 7 was about Caskett’s anniversary and they decide to take a time-out from their time-out (Hoorah!). But actually, the best part of the episode was Ryan and Espo fighting about getting shot in the butt and not passing the sergeants exam however, the best friends manage to get over their issues after Ryan performs and incredible act of bravery. Bros for life! Now episode 8 was the biggie and as someone who always hopes people end up with a happy(ish) ending, this episode made me very happy. Becket finally comes to her senses and Castle is the usual loving husband. The only thing that niggled at my brain was how freaking suspicious Vikram looks! I’ve always had my doubts about him from the beginning, but in these episodes, he spends the entire time sabotaging Caskett and making Beckett ruin her marriage for “the good of the mission”, or whatever other bs he spouts out. I dunno, he’s a bit fishy, but I guess we won’t find out till February now!

Bones – E05, 06, 07, 08

Bones is an interesting show at the moment. It’s been on for 11 seasons and although most of the cases follow the same format, I’m not entirely sick of it yet, but I do think it’s done it’s time. All the characters are set so there isn’t really anywhere for the show to progress to, but I have a feeling they’ll keep this one going for at least a couple of years. In the four episodes that I missed, the cases and the stories were pretty good, keeping up to the classic Bones standard that we’re all used to by now. Episode 6 showed a little bit more Jessica and Aubrey (they are so adorbz) but the highlight for me was Caroline Julian’s usual sass and flirty behaviour. That woman had me in giggles and I wish that I was half as funny or sassy as her. And to top off their Thanksgiving episode 8, Booth’s oldest son, Parker, was back! It’s been years since he’s come, after moving to London with his mum, but he’s all grown up! Makes you realise how much people change when they’ve been on a show for 11 years J

Scorpion – E06, E07, E08, E09, E10

This show is so bad but so good, I don’t know how I feel. Some part of me loves it, there are so many thing that go wrong and yet they still manage to get the bad guys and not die, and the other part of me just looks at Walter running and jumping onto a moving train and thinks “how much is this show really based on the life of Walter O’Brien?” Anyway, these 5 episodes were great, interesting stories, people almost dying, Walter losing his mind slowly, Toby & Happy’s weird relationship, too much sexual tension between Walter and Paige, and Gabe and Ralph just sitting back watching everyone live their lives. I will mention however, that in episode 10, we say goodbye to Megan, Walter’s sister and Sylvester’s love/wife (that’s a weird story), and the moment was captured beautifully, and yes, I wept like a little baby. Imma probably keep watching the show, but I don’t know for how long, some of the stories are getting a little TOO unbelievable. Even for me.

Arrow E04, E05, E06, E07

I’m going to be honest, the reason it took me an extra week to watch the Arrow episodes was because I was just not motivated enough too. Some of the characters were frustrating, some I would consider reaching into the TV and actually slapping, and the story line was just getting more ridiculous as each episode went by. It is also very evident that the writers have just given up on the past-Oli’s ARGUS storyline because apart from a brief introduction to Constantine, the story is so boring, I don’t care anymore! Episode 4 basically involves everyone finding out about everything so I can tell you what happens in one sentence. Team finds out about new lair, Lance finds out about the lair, Team finds out about Oli wanting to become Mayor, Lance finds out about sara, Oli finds out about Lance and Darhk, and in the flashback, the army guy finds out about Oli’s mission (told you I could do it!) Now I don’t watch the show Constantine but in episode 5, John Constantine, a mysterious man who engages in magic and witchcraft and turns up on Lian-Yu to steal a magical object with Oli’s help in the flashbacks. Fast forward to the present time, and the episode is about asking John for his help in returning Sara’s sol back to her body, which explains why she is coming after Thea (as Thea’s the one that killed her in the first place). Everything turns out fine and dandy except that Felicity finds a voice recording from Ray saying that he’s alive and the episode ends with a bit of a “WTF” moment because Ray was killed in an explosion. Whaaaaaa?

In episode 6, Felicity and her assistant person, Curtis (who for some reason, she trusts with the most sensitive tasks even though she’s known him all of half a season) decode Ray’s message saying that he’s alive and manage to find him. Turns out in the explosion, the nanomites that he was working on caused him and his suit to shrink (like Ant-Man) and who has captured him? None other than Darhk, who just happens have his fingers stuck in every little messy pot in Star City. Anyway, the team manage to get Ray out, safe and sound, and Sara (who’s been feeling a bit blood-lusty) decides to leave Star City and “discover herself” (hmmmm I wonder what new TV show could possibly come from this sudden arrival and departure???). Episode 7 was a little bit frustrating because Diggle tells Oli/ Team Arrow that his brother Andy was killed by HIVE because he became a competitor in the criminal activity world. And then in the next 40 minutes, they discover that Andy is in fact alive and working for HIVE, Diggle doesn’t give a shit and Team Arrow try to convince him that Andy is under the influence of a drug and doesn’t know what he’s doing. Either way, with the help of Ray, Team Arrow manage to infiltrate HIVE and free Andy. Oh and to top it all, Thea discovers that when Darhk tries to kill her by taking away her life force, he can’t and her bloodlust is temporarily gone, WTF?!

The Flash E08, Arrow E08             

So this was a double episode so there was no point in me splitting it between shows because that would make no sense at all. These episodes were totally awesome and I don’t care what people tell me, when Oli and Barry get together, shit is bound to go down. Basically, Cisco’s new “friend that he likes and sometimes kisses”, Kendra, is being hunted by Vandal Savage, an immortal who’s immortality relies on killing Kendra and her soul mates lives every time there are reincarnated. Flashback 4000 years to ancient Egypt, and Vandal is a Priest for the Pharoah, Kendra is Priestess Shayera and Carter is Prince Khufu, her soulmate, and the two are killed then and are destined to be reincarnated, find each other and then die again thanks to Savage. It’s a messy story but in one short yet long sentence, Carter and Kendra can sprout wings, and with Team Arrow and Flash, try and kill Savage but he wipes out Star City with his Staff of Horus. HOWEVER, Flash runs and goes back in time, giving everyone another chance to do it again and live. Barry tells Oli, and then they work together to make sure that they all live, hooray! At the end of the double, Kendra and Carter decide to use their powers to do good (oh I wonder what show they may star in with another blonde woman and possibly a man in a metal suit????), but then something happened that had be screaming at the TV. Throughout the episodes, we discover that Oli has a son who is about 9 years old. In the first time line, he makes Barry run a parternity test and Felicity finds out, they break up, he loses his head and they all die. In the second time line, Barry warns Oli before doing anything stupid, but Oli still goes and sees his baby mumma and promises that in exchange for being a part of his son’s life, he won’t tell anyone about him. Oh wait hang on, don’t you have an amazing woman that you love, and trust, and should tell everything to????!!!! And isn’t she also so amazing that even though you have a son, she will get over it and still love you because she knows you’ve changed?! And this is what had me screaming – OLI HAS LITERALLY JUST DECIDED THAT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH FELICITY IS DOOMED. Not because he has a son, but because he hides it from her… DO THESE PEOPLE NEVER LEARN?!

The Big Bang Theory – E06, E07, E08, E09

OK I still LUUUUURVE this show but there isn’t really much to report on L The show is funny as usual, but nothing much has really happened. Amy starts to see other people and Sheldon realises he still wants her, Leonard and Penny are hilarious in episode 09 and there are the usual giggly moments that happens when the gang discover dating apps, Craigslist and a soup kitchen. Hilarious!

Quantico E09

What is the haps with this show?! Actually, in terms of what is happening in the present time, it’s not that bad and for once, is in favour of Alex. HIG has come in and, with express permission from the President, taken Alex into interrogation, but of course, they’re sneaky little bastards and whisk her away somewhere so that they can torture a confession out of her. And of course, she won’t break because she’s pretty badass so they have somehow captured Booth and are torturing him to get to her (which is definitely working). Meanwhile, Vasquez finds out that the twins are up to something, confront Shelby who somehow convinces her to be on Team Alex, and I still don’t know how she was able to convince her so easily. Team Alex then discovers a massive hole in the FBI’s case and easily convince Liam that Alex is not the terrorist. And then it’s one happy ending! In the flashbacks at the FBI Academy, a forensic pathologist comes for this week’s lesson and let’s just say that Simon discovers some pretty interesting things about the Doc that ends in him almost being kidnapped :/ However after another series of unfortunate events, Simon discovers that the FBI isn’t what it seems and heads to his “bomb friend” to get blueprints for New York train stations. Now, in my experience, that’s just a little too obvious a clue left by the writers, but you know what, I don’t know anything anymore. In other news, we seeing the beginnings of Alex and Liam’s romantic-ness, and I cannot be the only one here who thinks that it’s totally ew??!!!

Agents of SHIELD E09

Ah sooo much happened and I don’t want to bore you, but ooooooooh things are getting good. First things first. Rosalind shot dead. In front of Coulson. You can thank Ward for that excessive “Imma get back at you for killing Garrett” craziness.  And then Banks is killed by the Hydra dude who can control guns (can you tell that I didn’t even bother Googling his name?). Ward then kidnaps FitzSimmons, and tortures Simmons so Fitz can cave and start helping Hydra go through the portal and open it from the other side. Meanwhile, Bobbi, Hunter and Coulson go out to get revenge for Rosalind and Bobbi’s shootings and make Mack the Director of SHIELD (poor guy is totally out of his depth, but I’ll give him props for trying really hard). They go kidnap Ward’s brother Thomas and totally throw Ward of his game by making him talk to the one person that still has a place in his stone-cold Hydra heart. Anyway after the usual confusion and things going wrong, Ward and Fitz go through the portal and have 12 hours to bring the Thing back to Earth. And to finish off the episode, Coulson jumps off the Hydra plane and heroically jumps straight through the portal after Ward and before it closes. It makes me happy that this show is actually going somewhere, too many shows die after two seasons and this one is just getting better!

Once Upon a Time E10

So finally 10 episodes in, we start to link the Camelot storyline to the one occurring in Storeybrooke at the moment and I’m not going to lie, I couldn’t wrap my head around what exactly went on this whole season, but let’s see if explaining it to you will help me too. So in Camelot, Hook goes from “I’m angry with you for making me the Dark One, Emma” to “I love you so much, let’s find a tree and make out under it” so fast and so many times, I can’t count. But basically, Killian Jones wants Emma, but the Dark One (or the Dark Captain as Regina calls him) wants to kill Rumple so he lies to Emma, and then takes and crushes Merlin’s heart so that the curse is enacted (again) and everyone is transported back to Storeybrooke. Emma fights back to take Hook and everyone else’s memories and allows the curse to continue so that everyone wakes up in Granny’s in their Camelot gear minus the memories. Fast forward to the present Storeybrooke, and Hook takes the dream-catchers, but Henry and Emma have another Operation Shitty-Name to get them back and return everyone’s memories. Hook gives Gold the opportunity to fight each other to finally end the feud, of which Gold wins but Hook has another aim. After getting Gold’s blood on his Hook, he goes to the mysterious Lake and uses the blood to open a portal to the Underworld and bring back Nimue and all the other Dark Ones. Why he needed Gold’s blood, I have no idea, but I feel the writers are depending on the confusion of the show to take the viewer’s attention away from the fact that they’re running out of ideas for the show. Not looking good, my friends…

Doctor Who E12

Now usually if I read spoilers or articles on the internet of a particular episode, I tend to agree with them but I haven’t read anything about this episode from the Whovians so this is entirely my opinion. And I loved it. I really, really did. The Doctor arrives of Gallifrey and basically takes over the planet in his attempt to get Clara back. He does this, but she isn’t alive, she has merely been taken seconds before her death, in between heartbeats. The Doctor intends for her to live back in England but to do that, he has to remove all her memories of him, like Donna and the 10th Doctor. What I liked about this episode that rather than the Doctor getting his way, Clara is the one that wins. She removes all his memories of her and leaves him in Nevada, with no idea how he got there, but a TARDIS with a mural of her on the side. She stays a strong and caring companion and for once, she accepted her death as a critical point in the time continuum and didn’t try to change it herself. The other thing that I liked about this episode was that it made so many references to past episodes, brought back Ashildr, and gave us back the classics like Clara’s signature phrase and the sonic screwdriver (for that I thank the Whovians out there that made so much noise about it that Steven Moffat had to go back to it!). Thank you to Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman for giving us an emotional and fitting episode for the end of Series 9. All we need to do now is wait for 3 weeks for the Christmas Special which has the return of River Song!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy this picture of Labrathor, the only doggie worthy to yield Mjölnir:


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