
I don’t have any introduction this week, because I need to get right into it, some of the episodes were soooooo good!!!!

How to Get Away with Murder E09
Look away now if you don’t want any spoilers, because I ain’t holding back. Are you ready?…friends shocked monica monica geller gaspIT WAS WES! WES IS THE ONE UNDER THE SHEET. HE’S THE ONE THAT DIES IN THE HOUSE FIRE, HE’S DEAD OH MY GAWD. How can they do that?! It’s Wes, the most important person in the show, the entire show is based around him and how he gets into the Keating 5! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH. Oh and damn the writers who make it look like it was Nate in the house. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Ok, I’ll calm down and explain:

After Bonnie manages to stop Frank from killing himself for Annalise and Annalise’s class all manage to pass her midterm exam, everyone parties. Kind of. Asher tells Michaela about her mum visiting, Asher gets drunk after, Connor let’s something slip about the bonfire night so Oli investigates, and Connor has sex with Thomas. Annalise realises that the DA’s office is investigating her using Nate so he goes home and breaks her sobriety. And in true AK fashion, she destroys every piece of evidence in her house and ends up at Bonnie’s house who takes care of her. Now, while Annalise is passed out, Bonnie tells Frank to take care of things and take the fall for Annalise. And while the other 4 are partying and Annalise is drunk, Wes’ lawyer tells him the police want him to come in to the office for something, but then they realise that they’re after Annalise. Wes fires the lawyer and that’s when we see him demand full blanket immunity for ratting out Annalise. Nate sees Wes in interrogation and realises that the DA’s office used him to get to Annalise, so he goes to her place, only to see it trashed (at this point you’re like, oh shit, he’s the dead man). Annalise starts calling the Keating 5 back to her house, Wes leaves the precinct undetected, and Laurel enters the house at the same time. Then KABOOM. House up in flames. Fast forward to everyone in the hospital, Annalise in jail and Nate walking into the morgue to see the body, who turns out to be Wes. Bonnie simultaneously tells the Asher, Connor and Michaela while Laurel and Meggy find out Wes’ death by the breaking news bulletin. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment sad upset crying sarah michelle gellarAnd this is where the writers really mess you up. Frank calls Bonnie while outside the burning house and Bonnie tells him that Laurel is pregnant – is thebaby his or Wes’? And did he blow up the house??? And the big one – Nate reveals that Wes wasn’t killed by the explosion or the fire, he was killed before the house had gone up. SO WHO DID IT?! Unfortunately, the writers are cruel cruel people because that was the mid-season finale and we now have to wait till the middle of January for their return 😦 HULU tv abc viola davis how to get away with murder

Quantico E07
Look, I like this show. Season 2 hasn’t been as gripping as the first season, but what can you do when a show is focused around FBI agents… that aren’t really in the FBI anymore. Anyway, in this weeks ep, our CIA recruits get a chance to use enhanced interrogation techniques on Owen to get his aliases name out of him, and everyone truly gets to see how low they’re willing to go to get an answer out of him. Dayana reveals a bit about herself in Harare when she says that the only way they’re going to break Owen is to hurt Lydia, and that’s exactly what they do. Meanwhile, while all of this is happening, Alex manages to get into Owen’s house (on Miranda’s orders) and finds mobile phones and a laptop in a hidden compartment of his house, but narrowly escapes with no evidence after Harry helps her out. Oh, Sebastian finally comes to terms with his feelings for Harry, Shelby finally gets a cover to find out more about Leon and Nimah, Ryan and Shelby start having meetings without Alex, something she is not happy about. And the big one – Ryan wakes up in the middle of a road with a phone, which he answers and the voice saying that he’s been selected :/
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert wtf scared omg confusedBack in the present, Miranda manages to plant her mobile phone in her boyfriends bag to frame him when Shelby tells her Alex told her part of the number. Alex gets caught and they interrogate her to find out where the drives are but they don’t get anything out of her until they almost paralyses Dayana. But thankfully, the terrorists are interrupted when they turn off their scramblers and allow communication to open up (to try and get to Lydia) and Harry, Seb and Leon rescue Alex and Dayana.

Once Upon a Time E08
While Snow and Charming start dealing with not being awake with each other, Regina and Emma try to trap the Evil Queen in the mirror world, but fail and end up getting stuck themselves. Only when Henry faces the Evil Queen, he realises he has the strength to defeat her and free his real mums. Meanwhile, Zelena and Belle use Aladdin to steal the Scorcerors wand from Rumple, but they fail too, and Rumple ends up putting a location bracelet on Belle and realises that after his previous deal with Zelena, he can’t hurt her. So who does he turn to to take care of Zelena? His love-thing, the Evil Queen. I keep telling myself that things can’t get any more complication and messed up, but they do. 

The Walking Dead E04
Urgh Negan and his cronies. I hate them so much! And I hate what they’ve done to Rick. They’ve made him a snivelling, weak, shell of a man and I hate that. They’ve turned everyone in Alexandria from a functioning and cooperating group of people to these people that are so frightened of what could happen, they’re essentially slaves. And I don’t blame them, Negan is crazy and dangerous AF, but I just can’t wait to see them all fight back, but who knows if they ever will now. Negan comes to Alexandria and takes half of everything they own (beds, property, house hold items, medicines) but leaves them their food. And after an incident with the inventory, he takes all their guns and ammunition too, leaving them totally defenseless against an attack by walkers, let alone Negan’s men. Other than that, Darryl is brought along too and from what I’ve read in post-episode deconstructions, he was communicating with Rick while he was there, using morse code to reveal where he’s being held. So our friends are sans-guns, sans-Darryl, Morgan and Carol and have nothing going for them. Oh and Negan is going to come back and hopes they have something “interesting” for him. Lovely. 

Supergirl E06
This week, in the adventures of Supergirl and her Superfriends, they deal with an alien parasite that can take the life and powers of people to power itself. Winn manages to finish Jimmy’s suit , who will now be called The Guardian, and Mon-El finds his inner hero so Supergirl finally has a few more friends to help her out. J’onn gets injured and Alex requests his “green martian friend” to help out and donate blood, and although she obliges, she’s very hesitant, maybe because she’s been LYING TO EVERYONE AND SHE’S ACTUALLY A WHITE MARTIAN! I dunno, maybe the blood transfusion will do something to J’onn? It doesn’t look good. But the main part of the episode was Kara and Alex’s relationship. Alex, with great difficulty, manages to come out to Kara, and after working through and discussing everything, she has her heart broken by Maggie who says she doesn’t want to be with someone who isn’t in the same place as her. Now two things: one, I can see Maggie’s point of view and I can understand Alex’s feelings, so no one is the good/bad guy in this. Secondly, I think that the way they dealt with Kara and Alex was the most realistic scene on television I have seen. Both parties were honest, hesitant but in the end, supportive and kind, which is exactly what more and more people need to see and be like when someone in their life opens up to them. They didn’t ignore the change in their relationship or the way Kara dealt with the news, but the outcome resulted in the sisters becoming closer than ever before – and it warmed my heart up so much. 

The Flash E06
Oh boy, Team Flash deals with three separate issues all at once, I feel like they were getting tugged in all different directions:

  1. Cisco and Caitlin finally tell the rest of the team of her powers after he vibes them fighting as Killer Frost and Vibe. Best part: you can actually see Joe’s face go “oh shit, not another one, I swear these kids, I can’t take care of another one…”. Poor guy, started with Iris, pretty much adopted Barry, Wally shows up and then Cisco and Caitlin have tagged along as his extra kids.
  2. There’s a new meta called Shade that is basically a shadow and the team manage to catch him by putting a whole of lights on hi. Look I didn’t pay much attention to this, and it seems neither did the writers because we don’t even get told the name of the metahuman who turns into Shade.
  3. Wally starts having dreams about Kid Flash so Barry tells Iris, Joe and Wally about Flashpoint. But Wally starts getting pains in his stomach, plus visions and Alchemy calls to him so they use him as bait to get to Alchemy. But even when they capture Alchemy, he uses a pulse thing to hurt Barry and escapes, all the while another speedster called Savitar (who only Barry can see) attacks them. Still talking to Wally, Alchemy convinces him to touch some kind of orb thing which encases Wally in this cocoon-like thing.

Things are getting messy in the show, and why do they keep bringing in more speedsters?! As if we didn’t have enough in The Flash, Kid Flash, Jessie Quick, Reverse Flash, The Rival and now Savitar.

Arrow E07
There’s a new vigilante in town that’s taken over Team Arrow protective roles but also has them questioning whether they should take someone down that is helping them do their jobs. My mum and I think that the vigilante, who’s calling himself Vigilante, is none other that new cute-DA man, Adrian Chase, but we are yet to have our suspicions confirmed. Quentin talks to Thea about his drinking, blackouts and the throwing stars he found in his apartment, and she offers him love and support and advises him to go into rehab, which he does. Thea (thankfully) goes and tells Oli about Quentin’s tale of being framed and they realise that Prometheus must know that Oli is the Green Arrow – and this is when we find out that Evelyn has been working with Prometheus! WHAAAAAA? Oh and the flashbacks, Oli learns that that the Bratva have a deal in place with Kovar and all of his time being beaten and interrogated by Kovar was for nothing.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow E06
The team are back in the Wild West with Jonah Hex! A time pirate leaves behind some Dwarf Star detection technology in 1874, causing a time aberration when a local bad guy gets it and starts planning to create his own country Turnbull Country by blowing up the Dwarf Star and blocking the pass giving the US Army access to the Wild West. Eventually the team manage to stop this from becoming history and all is saved with a few hitches. Ray creates Nate a suit for when he becomes Steel. The Amulet that Darhk was giving to the Nazi’s is not in any research paper or book, it essentially doesn’t exist, causing some confusion. Oh and Martin starts having visions of a woman he once/has/could have loved – means someone’s messing with the timeline again and I can only assume the episode ends with a lead up to a 3 part crossover between Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and the Legends, because suddenly … “2016 needs our help”. 

NCIS: LA E08 – Kensi uses the engagement ring as motivation to heal and get out of the hospital sooner.

NCIS E07 – Senior asks who on the team wants Tony’s old apartment and Torres wins the draw but he gives it to McGee for him and Delilah.

New Girl E06 – Jess tries and fails to start something with Robbie and Nick realises that Cece should start managing models rather than his bar.

Supernatural E06 – Jody is back, we meet a few other hunters at a funeral and Mary realises that although she’s out of place on Earth, she still wants to be with Sam and Dean and says no to Billy the Reaper, who’s ready to take her back to Heaven.

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