Learning New Things

How we doin’ this fine Monday? Things picked up this week, with Halt and Catch Fire starting up their third season with AMC and I started to watch Vikings from the History channel, reviews below 🙂

Vikings Seasons 1 and 2
tv vikings history channel battle
Vikings follows the story of Ragnar Lothbrok, a farmer and viking, and his journey to power withing Scandinavia and branching out towards England. The show starts with Ragnar is his wife, Lagertha (the most badass woman I have ever seen on television/movies), their son and daughter, Bjorn and Gyda, and Ragnar’s brother Rollo. Ragnar’s curiosity for adventure and culture leads him to gather a group of men and travel west of England where they pillage a church and take captive a group of monks, most notably – Athelstan. Season 1 revolves around Ragnar and his group of friends going to England and getting treasure for Earl Haraldson. Obviously, Ragnar’s wit and wisdom brings him a large following and he eventually ends up as Earl himself. In season 2, Ragnar’s marriage to Lagertha ends abruptly when he fathers a child to Princess Aslaug and this second marriage gives him 4 more sons. But all is not well because not only does Ragnar have to deal with the inner politics of Scandinavia with King Horik and Jarl Borg, he also has to negotiate bargains with the rulers of Nothumbria and Wessex in England, Kings Aelle and Ecbert. Toss in a betraying brother, a shifty friend and an ex-wife who becomes an Earl herself, and you have a whole lot of drama that you have to wrap your head around.

And I am genuinely loving this show. Coming into it, I thought it would be more like Game of Thrones, all boobs, blood and politics. But I was pleasantly surprised as it’s not too graphic unless it’s required and because of the smaller cast, the politics is much easier to understand and follow. And I’m also liking it because I know nothing about Scandinavia, the Norse Gods or the vikings so everything that they talk about is a whole new world for me. The actors have done a spectacular job and the writers have a hard task of making the show as accurate as possible with very little written information as the tales of Ragnar from the Viking Age were all in Norse poetry and legends, making historians question if he really did exist of if he was simply legend. Either way, the show is brilliant, the actors and brilliant, the cinematography and background score are brilliant and I would definitely recommend watching it 😀 With he second half of season 4 to be released at some point in 2016, it’s not a hard task catching up before it comes out, if I can manage it, so can you!!black and white vikings lagertha lagertha lothbrok katheryn winnick

Mr. Robot E08
Ok, this was one of the slowest and most boring episodes of Mr. Robot in my opinion, but hey, one episode wasn’t going to deter me. And I think it was mainly because the episode focused on Darlene, Angela and fsociety, and I don’t like Darlene or Angela anymore. Darlene has turned into some weird, self-righteous martyr and Angela is now some robotic corporate dummy, with no emotion behind the eyes and no tact at all. Whatever happened to the two characters that we saw at the beginning of the series that wanted to take control of this chaotic world? Anyway, in this weeks episode, fsociety manged to listen in on a conference call regarding the FBI’s Operation Berenstein and release the transcript of the call, along with a video, to the internet, informing the public that the FBI have been using unwarranted wire tapping to access 3 million people’s smart phones and monitor them, working hand in hand with big corporations like Apple and Uber. While this is all going on, the General Counsel for ECorp, Susan Jacobs, returns to her mansion to find Cisco, Darlene, Trenton and Mobley doing their thing. Through a series of events, Darlene tasers and drowns Susan (an accident or on purpose, who knows, though I think Darlene had it in her all along) and so Cisco and he have to get rid of the body. After they do the deed, Darlene gets onto Cisco’s laptop and sees messages between him and the Dark Army, saying that “he has her”, “backdoor is in play” and “stage 2 is about to begin”. Darlene smashes the laptop and the episode ends with her hitting Cisco over the head with a baseball bat. Now while all of this is going on, Mobley is getting majorly paranoid that they’ll be caught and unfortunately, id found and taken by the FBI into questioning. DiPierro asks him about DJ Mobley and the hacker handle and basically says that all she wants is Tyrell Wellick’s location, but Mobley lawyers up and DiPierro’s boss shuts her down. Mobley leaves and warns Trenton., asking her to meet him at a diner, before ditching his phone. In the meantime, Angela is on a date with a lovely guy (which we find out was planted there by DiPierro to investigate her), but she’s super depressed after being rudely spoken to by her fathers friend and then ditches her date to go home with an old guy. She’s all kind of messed up and that’s saying something considering who the main character of this show is. Anyway, I’m keen to continue on Elliot’s story, it has to be more entertaining than Robo-Ang and Emo-Darlene. tv red sherlock bored sherlock holmes

Suits E07
Things are so topsy turvy in this episode that by the end, I was just shaking my head. Rachel and Jessica meet Leonard to tell him of his execution date but reassure him that they are still looking for his key witness, Maria. After Rachel asks a favour from her father to find Maria, they find out that that she died 3 years ago – things are not looking good for Pearson Specter Litt’s first pro bono case :/ Donna helps Louis with his first date with pretty architect lady but she tells him that she has an open relationship with her boyfriend who lives in LA, and surprisingly, Louis continues to see the date through, knowing that it might not end well. Now here’s the juicy part. Cahill gives the judge on the Sutter case the program, convincing her to do to trial in 5 days, meaning that Harvey and Cahill now need to get a solid case for Cahill to get Mike out of jail. Harvey asks Lousi to go through all of Sutters financial transactions and by getting help from Donna and investment broker douchbag, he finds a one particular consultant that was involved in all of Sutter’s big money making deals, a clear sign of insider trading. Meanwhile, Harvey has been interrogating Sutter’s employees, putting up a front for Sutter saying that one of the employees would have given Cahill the program. Anyway, Sutter’s illegal trading buddy came clean to Cahill and gave up Sutter for a deal but Cahill comes back to Harvey, saying that the SCC is pulling Mike’s deal because he didn’t help in the case. And while all of this drama is happening, Mike pisses off Kevin by talking to Jill and telling her to take a deal and Gallow figures out Mike’s deal and threatens to tell Kevin of Mike’s motives. So now with Mike’s staying in prison with an angry Kevin and Gallow, who knows what Harvey is going to have to do to get him out :/ To be completely honest, I don’t see why Harvey is breaking his back to get Mike out. I get that he’s feeling guilty, but come on! It’s a two year sentence! Rachel is acting like he’s in there for his entire life! Just suck it up honey, he’ll be out soon and then you can have your little wedding. the office eye roll stanley hudson

Halt and Catch Fire Season 03, Episode 01 & 02
This is another show which I had now prior knowledge on and have learned so much about Silicone Valley and the tech boom of the late 80s. Season 3 is on and we get straight into it this season. The Clark’s have settled into a new home in San Francisco with Cameron still living with them, causing a few issues between Gordon and Cameron. Mutiny celebrates getting to a 100,000 user base but are alerted to the issue that their private messaging system isn’t quite as private as they thought, with hackers getting in an reading users messages, violating some seriously user privacy laws. Anyway, when Mutiny employee Ryan Ray brings this up with Cameron and Donna, they shut him down and all his efforts to improve Mutiny fall on deaf ears. The two leading ladies also discover a new niche market that they can target with Mutiny – Mutiny Exchange – where users can exchange goods online and never meet in person, basically ebay. While they bring this idea to various investors, and get shut down, they learn that there is another company doing the exact same thing, except for sporting memorabilia. But of course, they’re smart cookies, so rather than trying to compete with them, they pitch an idea to an investor (and one of the Clark daughter’s friends mothers) to buy the company, why spend $1.5 mil on creating a usable system in 18 months when you can just buy a company that has the system running for considerably less? While all of this is happening, MacMillan Utilities (who had taken Gordon’s anti-virus code for Sonaris and made it a product without him) is making $$$ by selling corporations anti-virus protection has now decided to offer normal users the same protection, free of charge. Ryan looks at this as an opportunity and goes to see Joe, who eventually offers him a job, much to the dismay of Gordon. Not only is Gordon dealing with episodes of stress from his brain damage, he’s trying to sue Joe for making a profit from Sonaris and isn’t winning after Joe makes his counsel realise that no matter how much of a stake in the company he offers Gordon, it will never be enough and Gordon is doing this for personal, not financial reasons. I’ll be honest, I don’t really care about Gordon and Joe anymore, I want to watch Cameron and Donna take on the sexist 80’s and 90’s and run a successful company in an industry dominated by men 🙂
lee pace halt and catch fire joe macmillan cameron howe donna clark

See you next week!

Catch-up Weekends

I love weekends. It’s two days of freedom before the 5 days of work I have to get through. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but I can’t help but enjoy the days where I can sit at home and watch TV in my PJs, with no makeup on and no obligation to smile or be nice to people. So, imagine my delight when this weekend, I got to do just that! It had been a long time since I’ve had no reason to leave the house, so I made the most of it – as you can see from my post below 🙂

Stranger Things Season 1
In case you’ve been off social media the last month or so, you would have heard all about Netflix’s new show, Stranger Things. Released on July 15, the show follows the disappearance of Will Byers in the early 80s, in a small town called Hawkins in Indiana. After his disappearance, his three friends – Mike, Lucas and Dustin – find a lost, almost mute girl called Eleven, wandering around the forest. After Will’s mother sees a monster coming out of the walls of her home and Mike’s sister, Nancy, loses her best friend to the monster as well, Police Chief Jim Hopper decides to break into Hawkins Laboratory to find out what the hell is going on. Oh did I mention that Eleven has psychokinetic powers and has come from the lab? The show is a wonderful mix of science fiction, horror, action, comedy and emotion and each of the characters has their own sense of morals and interests driving them to find this little boy. Oh and don’t worry, the season ends and leaves you wanting more, with the writers managing to set up the next season perfectly, so audiences are just waiting for that email to say that the next season is ready. Special mention must go to the amazing actors that play Mike, Dustin, Lucas and El: Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin and Millie Bobby Brown. Each of them has done a fantastic job and should be applauded for the work they’ve done – no wonder my Drama teacher gave me a C for Drama in school, I was shocking! Anyway, the show gets a triple thumbs up from me (if I had three thumbs) and comes with good reviews, just ask the people I recommended it too before I had even watched it, guess I have good taste 😉season 1 netflix stranger things dustin gaten matarazzo

Supergirl Season 01
Ok so to be completely honest, I didn’t think I would get through watching the entire 20 episode season of Supergirl in one week and yet my own talents never cease to amaze me 😉 After a gruelling Saturday of lots of triple chocolate brownies in bed, I caught up to where Season 2 will start in October, and guess what? I really liked the show. It has the humour and light heartedness of The Flash without any of the complicated time travelling and sciencey talk and no dark undertones of Arrow . Oh and keep an eye out for Barry Allen, he makes a guest appearance in episode 18 🙂 Anyway, the story goes, for all you non-comic book readers, Kara Zor-El  was sent to accompany Kal-El (ie. Clarke Kent / Superman) on his journey to Earth but her travel pod gets trapped in the Phantom Zone for 24 years. When she finally makes it to Earth, Superman takes her to the Danver’s, where she learns to deal with life as a human. Forward 10 years and she’s working as Cat Grant’s personal assist at a media company and slowly reveals herself to a range of people, including her best friend Winn, recently relocated James Olsen (Superman’s best friend/ photographer) and starts working with her sister, Alex, and the Director of The Department of Extra-Normal Operations, Hank Hanshaw. I have to give credit to the writers, they’ve made the show fun and endearing and I was pleasantly surprised with Melissa Benoist. I saw her on Glee and I didn’t think she would do justice to this amazing bad-ass superhero, but she’s chirpy and strong and has acted beautifully. Safe to say, I can’t wait for the show to get back on air (October 10th), though I hope moving from CBS to CW doesn’t affect it too much 🙂 I get that these types of shows aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if you like The Flash and just want to take your mind off things, this is the show for you!

Mr. Robot E07
OMG THIS SHOW IS JUST TOO MUCH! I need to keep the overview short because there was such a huge moment that happened at the end of the episode, I can’t avoid it so spoilers ahead!

  1. Joanna Wellick get’s a face full of red paint while walking her little bubbah down the street. She also gifts her boy-toy divorce papers between her and Tyrell for his 30th birthday.
  2. Agent DiPierro asks Angela why she was on the floor which was only for FBI and doesn’t believe the excuse Angela gives. She then asks for video footage of the floor but turns out all the files are corrupted and has a feeling Angela is behind it.
  3. fsociety manage to hack into the FBI system and discover that there is a a meeting discussing Washington’s bailout vote and they interrupt it by throwing the Wall Street Bulls balls right in the middle of it.
  4. Angela tells her father that ECorp will settle the suit if they drop the contingency with independent inspections and although he refuses, all the other parties involved in the suit have agreed to removing that clause. Angela manages to negotiate a new job in the Risk Management division of ECorp from the CEO but stuffs up in the middle of a directors meeting, pissing of her manager. And she keeps trying to get access to files – is this for herself or fsociety and Darlene?
  5. Mr. Robot killed Tyrell. Yep, that happened. While in the warehouse, Elliot asks Mr. Robot why Tyrell was in the hallucination. Mr. Robot then reveals that at the arcade center during the hack, he used the gun in the popcorn machine to kill him, justifying it by saying that is was either him or them. Which begs the question – who the HELL is sending presents to Joanna and the baby and who keeps calling her??????? MY MIND!
    no wtf shock nah black girls
  6. The thugs take Elliot back to Ray’s place to fix the site and Elliot does, but as he finishes, he requests one more game of chess with Ray. He discusses how his wife and him both set up the website, turning a blind eye against the wrongdoings because of the amount of money he made. But he starts feeling bad about it, and realises that Elliot had definitely called the authorities. Elliot managed to alert the cops about the site through an anonymous tip as well as open it up to everyone that searched those kinds of things on Google. Anyway, Ray gets caught, Elliot is working with Mr. Robot and all is fine and dandy.

UNTIL, some mean looking thugs come and threaten Elliot because they lost their bitcoins on the website and they expect him to pay. Leon stands up for Elliot but the minute Elliot is alone, they corner him, beat and almost rape him. Until Leon rocks up and stabs/injures/kills the group saying that Elliot will get a letter on Tuesday and tell Whiterose that Leon did good today. This left me a little confused. Then we see Elliot give Crista a letter (is this what Leon was talking about and why was Crista pleased) and he says something about staying at his mothers that prompts her to ask “Elliot, do you know where we are?” And then we see. Elliot’s in prison. I’m not talking a local jail cell, I’m talking big prison, orange jumpsuit and all of that. The basketball court isn’t in a park, it’s in the courtyard of the prison, Leon is his friend in prison, his jail cell is his bedroom at his mothers and the Church Group is more like an AA help group. THIS ENTIRE HALF OF THE SEASON WAS A DAMN COPING MECHANISM! you oh no boy meets world gasp cory matthewsWhat I’m still yet to understand is how Ray fit into all of this. Maybe he was a counselor at the prison? And the guys that beat Elliot up are prisoners that follow his orders? And the letter he got, was that an early release letter organised by the Whiterose? And last but not least, is he in prison for killing Tyrell? Or for the hack? WHAT IS GOING ON?!reaction matthew perry what is going on mr sunshine i have no idea what is happening

Suits E06
So a few things are going on here: Louis’ plan to woo the architect fail spectacularly even with Donna’s help and so he tells her the truth and gets a date for being sweet. Jessica doesn’t have time for Rachel’s pro bono case and Rachel finds out that her subject had an eye witness to him not committing the murder except they were both high and she ran away before testifying for him. In addition to that – his executed date has been set and Jessica finally realises that she has to help Rachel now.

Meanwhile in the complicated web of relationships of Mike and Harvey, we discover why Kevin is in jail. Cahill tries to get the trading program, Harvey gets the motion denied in court so Sutter demands that he gets the entire indictment dismissed – but if the case is dismissed, Mike loses his chance to get out of prison. So Harvey tries to give Cahill the trading program on a disc to prove that it’s bogus and prevent the case getting dismissed, but Cahill refuses to collude. So Harvey decides to use Mike and get him to piss off Kevin in front of Sutter whilst practicing for a deposition Cahill has been granted. And of course, this pays off because Kevin tells Mike everything. Sutter had asked Kevin to create an algorithm and make a trading program to help the business. Kevin does so, but realises that it’s just a cover up because his father-in-law is already involved in insider trading and he finds out that his wife knew about it too. So he gets in a fight with her, gets drunk and caught but refuses to snitch on Sutter because then his wife would go to jail. So rather than sending away his wife for prison for a very long time, he takes it on the chin and takes 3 years in prison for vehicular manslaughter, explaining why his sentence is so severe for someone who had never had a prior charge and the victim is alive and well. Mike tells Kevin to make a deal with the authorities, to give up Sutter for his wife immunity but Kevin refuses, making Mike promise not to tell anyone. And to end the episode, Cahill reveals that the reason he’s after Sutter, says that the judge approved the dismissal for the case and asks to have the program to prove Sutter is a criminal – but opening himself and Harvey up for colluding. This was one of the first episodes that actually made sense to me, but with only a handful of episodes left till the mid-season finale, I’d be interested to see if they manage to get Mike out of prison.

And that’s me for another week. I’ve started watching Vikings as well, so I’ll review that next week and just a reminder that Halt and Catch Fire is out this week on the 23rd of October (USA time) so pop that in your diaries and don’t forget!

A week too late

Firstly, I have to apologise. I was a terrible blogger last week and for no reason at all other than laziness, I didn’t write my reviews for last weeks Suits and Mr. Robot episodes. I just wasn’t feeling it, but in hindsight, it probably was a good thing because I got to finish off Dollhouse. My review for it is below and my next mission Supergirl and then Stranger Things. I’ve had too many people tell me to watch it and I can’t resist, so I’ll let you know how it goes!

So I finally managed to finish the series and it’s great! So the premise is that there are these “dollhouses” all over the world that have volunteers who come in and for a large amount of money, they give 5 years of their lives. Once they sign a contract, their personality is essentially wiped from their minds and stored for 5 years and they become Actives. These Actives are now hired out by the Dollhouse to clients that want them for specific tasks, spies, smugglers, sexual partners, loving sisters etc and in order to make them truly perfect for the task, the Active’s are imprinted with specific personalities. We follow Echo, an Active, and her handler, Boyd, along with a handful of other Actives; Victor, Sierra, November and Whiskey. Toss in an English businesswoman, a nerd scientist, an obsessed FBI Agent and a murdering, escaped Active called Alpha, and you’ve got the makings of a show that is thrilling, action packed and quite emotional. It delves into the issues of humanity and science, and technology that should remain theoretical and the ethics of using humans as what are essentially described as slaves. Trust Joss Whedon (Avengers, Buffy, Agents of SHIELD) to come up with a fantastic concept, only to have the show axed after 2 seasons. The first season is 14 episodes and and the second is only 13 so I highly recommend you get in there and watch it for something different. Also, don’t worry, just because it was canceled, doesn’t mean that it left it’s viewers hanging (Firefly and Pushing Daisies fans, I’m one for you), the show manages to finish off what it started, and even though the ending may not be what you hoped for, the story was effectively finished, leaving you satisfied – though still wanting more 🙂 joss whedon dollhouse whedonverse topher brink when fandoms collide

Mr. Robot E05 and E06
So in episode 5, Elliot places malware into the smartphones that the FBI uses but in order to continue with their plan, Darlene needs Angela to help out. Initially she refuses, as does Elliot, but once she realises that the FBI is really onto her, using her ex to try and get her to confess, she knows that the team needs her and she agrees to get in and help hack them remove the evidence against them. There’s also a lovely moment between Elliot and Angela, something I’ve been waiting for all season. I don’t know if I necessarily want a romantic thing between them, but they’re friendship and reliance on each other for support is a lovely connection they have and I hope it lasts. We also see Joanna Tyrell instruct her henchman to kill Karim because he could be compromised and receive a gift and phone call from Tyrell, meaning that he’s somewhere close by, but still can’t see her. Meanwhile, Elliot tells Ray that he needs the IT guy to help him with his computer problems and while the two of them are working on Ray’s problem, Elliot discovers that Ray runs a blackmarket wesbite, selling everything from drugs, surveillance equipment, illicit drugs, hitmen, rockets and weapons. And the thing that gets to Elliot – people trafficking and selling young girls. Mr. Robot advises him to ignore it and move on while Elliot wants to take down Ray but unfortunately it’s too late because Ray finds out and has Elliot beaten to a pulp. And you know what? That’s not even the most shocking part of the episode. Our favourite FBI agent DiPirrro, and her team go to China to access the ECorp servers and she requests information on the Dark Army from the Minister of Safe Security of China, who graciously agrees as well as inviting them all to his home for dinner. At the dinner party, DiPierro and the Minister talk and get to know each other, at which point he shows her his “sisters” wardrobe, filled with exquisite, traditional Chinese outfits. At this point, you just pointing at the screen because you realise that the Minister is the head of the Dark Army, Whiterose!
reactions shocked surprise shock zoomAnyway, as the FBI delegation is leaving their hotel the next morning, it’s attacked by multiple gunmen that open fire on the FBI, killing all of them except DiPierro. She watches as her entire team is eliminated but as she’s about to apprehend the shooters, they take their own lives, leaving her nothing but the dead bodies of her team.

Episode 6 kind of starts a bit weird, the first 15 minutes shows the Alderson family on a family vacation, but rather than the usual dark look, it’s shot like a crappy 90’s sitcom. So at this point, you think it’s another one of Elliot’s hallucinations, but then we find out that it’s all Mr. Robot’s doing – maybe he’s won? Maybe he’s finally beaten Elliot for this mind? But turns out that Elliot has been beaten up so bad that Mr. Robot took over and is protecting him from the pain, he hasn’t taken over, but is merely saving him from the pain that Ray’s henchmen have caused him. Elliot then wakes up in the hospital to Ray telling him that he essentially “owns” Elliot now. Elliot is taken again, from the hospital to another warehouse, where he’s left, struggling to breathe. Mr. Robot comes back and Elliot embraces him, thanking him for the protection he gave earlier. It was a beautiful moment between the two and maybe a tipping point in the series. Maybe now, they both realise that they are two parts of a whole and can work together to stop E Corp and fight Ray etc. Maybe now, they can work together, Elliot won’t have blackouts and Mr. Robot will be able to shine through him. Who knows, but this change in relationships could bring about a whole new dimension to the story. We also get a lovely flashback where Mr. Alderson tells young Elliot about this redundancy, sickness and new computer shop idea, hinting that the two did have good relationship at one point and may have another soon. movie happy excited aww awIn other news, Darlene, Mobley and Trenton try to teach Angela how to code in 24 hours, which is not going smoothly as they would like. Anyway, they’re plan manages to go to plan, with only a few hiccups and just as they are about to celebrate, something goes wrong (I didn’t understand exactly, too much tech jargon that I didn’t catch), but just as Angela and Darlene are fixing it up, DiPierro walks to her desk and starts having a chat (this is after she’s been ordered to take one month off after the incident in China). It’ll be very interesting to see how Angela gets out of this one :/

Suits E04 and E05
Urgh this show is so complicated. People running to other people running to other people for deals and favours, I’ve lost track of everything. In episode 06, it was 42 mins of extra bs that didn’t need to happen. Basically Mike says no to informing on Kevin so Harvey and Sean Cahill make an elaborate plan to get him out of prison for a few hours so he can go have fun bed times with Rachel and realise that if he told on Kevin, he would get out and continue to have fun bed times with his fiancee. Plus to get Gallow off his back, Mike files a motion for his parole and Rachel meets the man she has to take off deathrow and provides enough evidence for her professor to review, proving him wrong and being a total badass.

Episode 5 was a little more complicated – Mike tells that Harvey that Kevin isn’t telling him how he got into jail so Harvey comes up with a ridiculously elaborate plan and to be completely honest with you, I don’t understand one bit of it. He decides to take on William Sutter (the old man) as a client because Kevin is his son-in-law and by working with Sean, he can try and get to the reason Kevin is in prison, and thus free Mike. A lot of other complicated stuff happens, Kevin stops trusting Mike for a while, but in the end he tells him that the reason he was in prison was because he had a fight with his wife, got drunk, drove and hit a person. But what he failed to mentioned was why they were fighting – which I think comes back to something Sutter did, and Kevin covering up for him for a crime bigger than what he’s already in for. Meanwhile, Louis goes out to buy a house to get an architect he’s in love to work with him and Rachel convinces Jessica to take on the Innocence Project case as pro bono after it’s rejected by the university’s board. I don’t know, things are getting a bit too technical for me, and I just don’t understand half of it now. I guess that takes away the fun of the show too, kinda ruins it when you have to keep looking up what an “indictment” is. I’m sorry, I’m not a lawyer, writers would you mind dumbing it down for the rest of us a bit?dumb the three stooges

That’s me for a week. Hope everyone has an amazing week – not only watching normal TV but also the Olympics!

Getting By

Mr. Robot E04
Ah things are finally happening and Elliot is back in front of a computer!!!! This episode starts off with a flashback, Elliot and Darlene pre-fsociety and apparently, pre-Mr. Robot. Elliot remembers that Darlene is his sister and they chat about their childhood and we see the moment Elliot decides to take on ECorp – and possibly the beginning of his split personality and the birth of Mr. Robot. These episodes are getting harder and harder to keep track of, so let’s see if this new way helps:

  1. Mrs. Wellick is seen paying off someone for their silence (though I don’t really know why and I’ll have to investigate) and her driver/manager informs her that she’s running out of money. So she goes to her husbands boss’ house (the guy who’s wife was murdered by her husband), demanding to know why Tyrell’s severance package hasn’t been released. The husband, Scott Knowles, tells her that he hasn’t got his wife’s murderer yet, and so dear Mrs. Wellick says that she’ll make statement implicating him in the murder. And Mrs. Wellick’s justification for needing the money? I have a baby. Woman, sell your stupidly big apartment, stop having sexy times with your boytoy and go get yourself a job, you lazy, rich, evil woman! oxygenmedia  television bad girls club bgc bgc9
  2. The FBI are at the arcade but our Agent DiPierro doesn’t have any hard evidence apart from pictures from a party fsociety had. But her luck turns, they find a bullet casing in the arcade.
  3. Angela comes to work and sees the two men that were involved in her hometown incident get arrested. Turns out, she gave the evidence to her the lawyer lady but realises that the boss now has leverage on her now. She then realises that in all the settlement documents, ECorp is willing to change everything but the clause saying that a 3rd party must survey the township is non-negotiable. Angela then meets her boss and demands a better job and room, saying that she can remove the contingency in the class action, but her boss calls BS and leaves her, shocked. (I’m still very confused about all of this, next week may clear things up)
    britney spears confused huh crickets
  4. Darlene finally visits Elliot and she says that she needs his help but needs “the other guy”. Elliot then goes to Ray and while playing chess, Ray recommends something like confession, where Elliot tells Ray everything about Mr Robot. He also recommends playing chess with himself and Mr. Robot suggests that Elliot and him play, and the winner gets to take all of “us”. Crista (the psychologist) recommends not annihilating Mr. Robot, he’s part of Elliot now and it appears that Elliot now talks to a fair few people about Mr. Robot and talks to him in front of them. Anyway, by the end of the episode, Elliot and Mr. Robot play but reach a stalemate every time because they can’t beat each other, they’ll just have to figure out something else.
  5. Darlene and her boyfriend Cisco have chat and he tells her that the FBI found the arcade and that he thinks the Dark Army thinks that someone snitched on the entire operation. There’s also some super top secret FBI surveillance operation, Operation Berenstein and now she’s even more paranoid and comes to Elliot for help. He goes to Ray and says he’ll help him with his tech issues and logs on to the computer and chats to Darlene. And the only way he can protect Darlene is to hack into the FBI and find out what is going on.
    shocked shock blackgirlmagic danielle brooks black girl magic

Suits E03
This week, everyone has their own little storyline so let’s just break it down:

  • Rachel: She has a classmate who’s mean to her, so she uses her own lawyers skills to show the rest of the class that no one can scare her and leaves the class after, taking up the professors offer to join the Innocence Project, helping him save deathrow inmates that could be innocent.
  • Louis: After rejecting multiple applicants who want to rent office space, Louis manages to get an old man to sign his investment company, but turns out it’s a young guy and all his douchbag employees that come into the office instead. And seeing as they have no law background, Louis makes a ridiculous lease arrangement and finds them breaching it multiple times. However, through some change in circumstances that may involve Harvey wanting to annoy Louis, the douchbag investment guys stay and take over the bullpen, much to the unhappiness of Louis.
  • Harvey: Jessica lines up a new client, William Sutter, a very shady man, and Havey rejects him as a client. So he has to go to Nathan Burns and try to sign him as a client, and Nathan agrees, only if Harvey manages to block a competitor in the market with a huge list of lawsuits. Harv manages to do this but is sidelined because he finds out that Sutter has bought 5% of Nathan’s company and is trying to get Nathan kicked off the board. So to get back at Sutter, Harv asks the new tenant, douchbag investment guy, to buy shares as well (in exchange for annoying Louis). With Harvey’s shares, Nathan Burns can get control of his company again and signs the firm as their legal counsel.
  • Mike: After finding out from Kevin that the last guy who wrote a report on Gallow was beaten into a coma, Mike refuses to write up Gallow, fearing for this own life. Unfortunately, Gallow sends his men after Kevin, stabbing and beating him, but the two of them can’t take him to the infirmary because a report will be written. Meanwhile, Cahill finds out that Gallow was moved to that prison on purpose because he’s an informant for the FBI,so he tells Harvey, who tells Mike. So Mike does his own thing and tells Gallow that he’s up for parole, while implying that Harvey’s plan to take down Gallow was to tell everyone that he’s an informant. Things finally start looking up for Mike, as Kevin gets moved to kitchen duty with him so they can protect each other, but Cahill comes back to Harvey with a solution. Mike can get out of prison early – if he becomes an informant and tells the feds about his roommate, Kevin. Ah shit.