Another Season Comes to a Close

Alright guys, this is the last week with the last set of season finales. After this, it’s just going to be Game of Thrones and Bones for a while, with some other shows I’m watching (which I’ll keep you updated on) and then shows such as Suits, Halt and Catch Fire and Mr. Robot will start up again in a few weeks, around mid-July.

Game of Thrones E05
Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor:
Translation: “Oh wow, this was a depressing week and you know exactly what I’m talking about:”

  • Castle Black: Littlefinger tries to apologise to Sansa and she completely OWNS him, making him realise what a colossal dick he is and tells him to leave her alone, refusing to take his help to take back the North. We also learn that Uncle Brandon has taken back River Run and has an army that can help Jon and Sansa, so their troupe head out of Castle Black to go to the other smaller houses of the North, ready to take on the Ramsay. Also, this happened, totally shipping it:
    Game of Thrones animated GIF
  • Braavos: Arya is told to kill a Lady Crane, a lady who works with a travelling play and does a play about the Rob Baratheon, Ned and the Lannisters. It’s very crude. We also learned a but more about the Faceless Men and the Many Faced God.
  • Iron Islands: Yara and Theon are defeated by Euron Greyjoy who admits to killing their father and King and says his aim is to marry Dany and take over the 7 Kingdoms. Once he becomes the new King, he orders a 1,000 new ships built for his fleet and heads after his niece and nephew to kill them, only to find that they have run away, hoorah! Can’t get them, evil uncle!
  • Dothraki Sea: Dany confronts Jorah but he says he’s leaving because of his Dragonscale. She then orders him to go find a cure and return to her, to be by her side as she rules the 7 Kingdoms. Mate, Jorah, I reckon that’s the closest you’re going to get to getting out of the friend-zone.
  • Meereen: Tyrion and Varys ask for the help of Kinvara, another Red Priestess from Volantis, to help Dany and let the people know that Dany is being lead by the Lord of Light. I’m entirely sure why Tyrion wants to do this, maybe it’s easier to tell the population that Dany is following a God rather than her own revenge?
  • Bran: We learn that it was Children of the Fores that first create the White Walkers by placing a piece of Dragon Glass (Maybe? I’m speculating…) into a man, in order to defeat the Men in the war. Bran then also is another vision (can’t call it a memory) where he sees an army of White Walkers and wights and one of the White Walkers touches his arm. The Raven is really freaked out and tells Bran that he has to leave :/ Ok now here it gets hectic. Bran is in a memory, watching Ned, Benjen and Hodor and back in the cave, the White Walkers and their army arrive, ready to kill. Meera tries to get Bran to wake up but he can’t and Hodor is freaking out and sitting in the corner, unable to help. So somehow, Bran (in his memory) hears Meera screaming at him and through past-Hodor, gets control of present-Hodor, and gets him to start fleeing with Bran in the cart. Unfortunately, the army is too strong and comes into the cave, killing Leaf and her fellow Children and Summer sacrifices himself to protect Bran (OMG NO NO THE WOLVES, WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE WOLVES?!). And here comes the hear break. Meera, Hodor and Bran escape through a back door, but in order to do so, Meera and Bran order Hodor to “hold the door”. This command kind of reverberates back to past-Hodor, who starts having a fit in Bran’s memory, slowing transforming “hold the door” to “hodor”. The last scene of the episode is beautiful, simple, loving and heroic Hodor, standing against the door, getting mauled to death by wights but allowing Bran to escape with his life. Rest in Peace Summer and Hodor.

The Flash E23 (Season Finale)
“OMG WHY BARRY?!” That was the last thing I said as this episode and you’ll find out why. Anyway, Zoom comes to Barry and tells him that he wants to race him to find out who’s the fastest man alive, but Team Flash realise that the reason he’s doing this is to siphon Barry’s power to start up a Magnatar, a device that can potentially destroy the multiverse and leave Earth as sole planet left in an infinite number of universes. Zoom clearly has some ego issues, but whatever. Barry is a little too emotional and angry after his Henry’s death, so they decide to lock him up with the rest of the metas and hatch a plan to use Caitlin to distract Zoom while Cisco opens up a breach and they push through Zoom. And all goes to plan, till Zoom takes Joe with him. Wally is furious with the team for not going back to get Joe from Earth-2 and frees Barry in order to help them. Meanwhile, we discover that the masked man held by Zoom is the real Jay Garrick, another Speedster from Earth-3. Anyway, Barry tells Zoom he’ll race Zoom, in exchange for Joe. They start their race, but half way through, Barry creates a time remnant to counteract the Magnatar’s power and does this, but dies while doing so. Meanwhile, Flash fights Zoom and just at the opportune moment, the Dementors ie. the Time Wraiths come and kill Zoom, leaving everyone safe and sound. Back in the lab, Harry manages to take the mask of Jay Garrick, who just happens to be Henry Allen’s doppleganger, and poor Barry can’t deal. But Jay has to get back to his Earth, and volunteers to drop Harry and Jesse back to their home so goodbyes all around. The episode ends Caitlin, Cisco, Wally, Iris and Barry with Joe having dinner and Barry tells Iris that he needs to take care of himself first before they do anything about “them”. Which is all fine and dandy, Iris agrees to wait because she loves him and then Barry does something stupid. He goes back in time. To his mothers death. And stops it so that his mum says alive and Reverse Flash dies. And a this point, I’m hurling abuses as the TV. Barry, what the hell! You KNOW that this doesn’t work, your mother is supposed to die, and now you’ve gone and messed everything up! I know losing your parents is hard but you’ve got them both justice and killed their murders, just move on with your life!!!!! Whatever happens next, you only have yourself to blame, you stupid stupid man. *End rant*snl saturday night live omg oh my god brie larson

Arrow E23 (Season Finale)
The ending for this season was kind of… meh, to be brutally honest. Once Darhk comes to Felicity’s apartment, he hurts Curtis and steals the laptop which controls Rubicon being offline and takes his daughter. They discover that Oli can’t beat Darhk and Darhk has set off 15,000 missiles to hit all over the world, the first to hit Star City in 45 mins. So the team get together, with Merlyn (he’s just a nosy guy that has all his remaining 5 fingers in all the pies, it’s so annoying), Felicity and Curtis manage to redirect all the nukes to outer space to blow up after Seldon sacrifices himself to give her the laptop and Oli gives a inspirational speech to Star City, telling them all they have to do is believe that they can beat this and carry on like the troopers they are. Then comes a massive street fight and the hope that the crowd gives Oli allows him to take on Darhk who’s powers aren’t strong enough and in the end, Oli does the only thing possible and stabs Darhk in the chest, killing him. I swear, if Oli had done the “hero” thing and let him go, I would have stopped watching right there. And now comes the meh part: Captain Lance is fired from the SCPD, Thea leaves to rethink her life, Diggle takes a break with his family but then joins the Navy and is deployed, Felicity stays where she is in Star City and Oli becomes the interim Star City Mayor. See what I mean? Meh. Everyone is alive (except Darhk), the world is safe and the team “appears” to be disbanded. One thing I can wish for next season though – the stupid flashbacks ending. God, they were a waste of screen time this season!reaction james marsden eh not impressed

Supernatural E23 (Season Finale)
Boy, that was an anti-climatic episode, especially for the last of the season! God is dying, the Sun is dying, Amara is getting stronger and the balance of the world is off, meaning that everyone is going to die, basically what happens at the end of every single season of this show. The team realise that the only way to destroy Amara is to create a bomb with Lightness, to defeat her Darkness and the bomb has to contain thousands of souls. Sam and Dean go and pick up some 100 ghosts from a mental asylum, and Billie the Reaper manages to fill the rest of the bomb with all the souls she’s reaped. The bomb is then placed into Dean where he’s told to get close to Amara and then set it off, killing both of them. Cue: sad goodbyes. And again, we knows he’s some how going to survive so why bother with this every season? Anyway, here’s the anti-climatic part: Dean manages to convince Amara to talk to Chuck and smooth things over, she does and then her and God leave for a nice family vacation, leaving Earth to return to normal. At this point, Amara thanks Dean and says “I want to give you what you gave to me”. Nek minnit, Dean is walking through a forest and comes across a woman. His mother. Oh boy. Meanwhile, Sam thinks Dean is dead and returns to the bunker, to find Lady Antonia in his house, a member of the Men of Letters UK branch. She says the brothers have caused too much trouble and need to be punished and when Sam refuses, she shoots him. Again, we know he’s not going to die, why kill one of the brothers every season finale only to have them back again the next episode? Silly writers.movies eye roll ferris buellers day off mia sara dayoff

Bones E17
It was a nice and simple episode involving the death of a Secret Service agent, Bones was sick and Dr. Colin Fisher (an intern) was back to give a helping hand.

That was a nice short post from me, see you all next week!

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