One last week.

As you can see, I have one last week. Until all hell breaks loose and I have the joy of watching 14 shows as well as maintaining what is deemed an “acceptable social life”. So let’s start, here are my top picks for this week gone by:

Quantico S01 E01
Right. I’m going to be honest, if this show didn’t have Priyanka Chopra in it, I wouldn’t have bothered watching it, but man I would have missed an amazing show! If you don’t know who Priyanka is, go Wiki her now, she’s incredible. The show is about a new group of FBI recruits at Quantico, each with their own set of secrets. Flash forward a few months, Grand Central Station has been blown up, and it’s up to Alex Parrish (Chopra) to figure out which new recruit did it. Oh, but the FBI already think she is the terrorist. Honestly, I think I’m just excited to see Chopra break the stereotypical Indian mold and absolutely own it on the small screen. But if you’re in it for the story, please stay because the series pilot caught me with my jaw on the floor a few times.

Once Upon a Time S05 E01
I like Disney, and I like TV so this show is basically fulfilling all my fan girl dreams. The season opener was good, and delved straight into what all the fans look for, sassy Regina, an emotionally confused Emma and a hurt and distraught Hook (I am very biased with Hook, so for me, he can do no wrong 😉 ) I did enjoy how the writers wove Rumpelstiltskin into the story considering Gold is dying back in Storybrooke. They’ve added Merida from Brave into the story as well as the rose in the case from Beauty and the Beast.  And in true OUAT fashion, there’s a flash forward, memory loss (again, really?) and story lines in two different worlds. Oh, this season is going to be fun!!!

Castle E2
This was a continuation of the first episode, and it was pretty freaking gripping. Highlights include meeting Castle’s step-mother (who is totally bad-ass), finally revealing what the hell got Beckett shot, and Senator Bracken getting involved in some pretty brutal stuff. As I’m typing this, I’ve realised that I don’t really have a solid opinion on the end of this episode. Part of me saw it coming, because how else will the show go on without drama, but part of me just wants everyone to be happy! Not going to give spoilers, you’re just going to have to watch it and find out!

Marvel’s Agents of Shield S03 E01
This was nothing spectacular an episode to be completely honest, and I was a little disappointed. Firstly (and this bothered me a lot), please explain why there was no Agent May or Grant Ward in the episode. Secondly, don’t you dare have Simmons enveloped by the monolith and then not properly explain where she is. Thirdly, stop making Fitz go crazy!!!! He’s a sensitive soul. And fourth – Daisy/Skye has superpowers, she’s gifted, please stop sticking her in revealing clothing. She doesn’t need it and we like her without her chest popping out of her singlet. End rant.

giphy (1)*True image of writers when the fans say they don’t like what they’ve done*

How to Get Away with Murder E02
I think I’m going to have to write a review for each episode of this show, it’s just too freaking intense. And I think the title should always be “Oh look, another dead person”, because that happened again this episode. There are two main points from this episode: 1. What on Earth has happened in Bonnie’s past?! 2. Viola Davis has acted absolutely amazingly in this episode and her emotional range as an actress is something that everyone needs appreciate. I’m going to leave it there, because she just left me gobsmacked.

Doctor Who E03
Dang nammit writers, not another double episode! It’s got the Doctor and Clara at a research facility at the bottom of the lake and there’s a crew to protect from, well, things. This one ended with a WTF moment, which means that the next episode is going to have a whole lot of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff (Whovians, you better appreciate that joke 🙂 ). Also, still not a fan of the sonic sunglasses, bring back the screwdriver!!!

giphy (1)*Steven Moffat to the Whovians that don’t like the sonic sunglasses*

Bones S11 E01
This one I did not expect but:

giphy (1)*When writers make it a double episode, which they haven’t done in years*

My train of thought this episode: “Oh crap, Booth’s dead. No, come on, they won’t kill him off, he’s the reason we tolerate Bones. Ah, shit it’s [SPOILER]. Holy crap, there’s only 7 mins left, where is Booth?! Wait, no, hang on, you still haven’t found him, no, hang on, don’t show me the black screen of death. No, no, no. Nooooooo, not “to be continued!!!!!!”” And that’s all I’m going to say.

Episodes that weren’t mentioned: Scorpion E02 (finally, a slightly more realistic episode), NCIS: LA E02 (it’s all about Kensi and Deeks), The Big Bang Theory E02 and NCIS E02 (you’d think I’d stop crying about Gibbs’ family after 13 seasons, but noooo). Hope you enjoyed, see y’all next week!

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