Bones has a comeback

Hola friends!!!! My reviews for this week are below and they’re all a bit long so I’ll keep this short. Now that I only have two show’s going on, I’ve started to watch Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse which, after 3 episodes, is very gripping and hooks you in from the first episode. I’m also going to start Supergirl shortly and maybe House of Cards after that. Any suggestions? I’m open to everything and anything!

Bones E22 – Season 11 Finale
Ok, I’ll admit, the last few seasons of Bones have been really average. We’ve been getting the usual cases every week but the writers have failed to give us the gripping overarching storylines that were present throughout the beginning of the series, something that kept us glued to the TV and screaming at the characters. I think coming to the end of their lives on TV, the Bones writers seemed to have remembered the good old days, bring us back to the case that appeared half way through the season, where the suspect uses his victims as marionettes, picking victims that are positive parental role models, something the suspect probably lacked in their childhood. Anyway, so this episode, the team discover another victim from the puppeteer killer but this time, she’s not a motherly figure. She’s been dressed up as Brennan, her hair cut short and dressed in the clothing that Brennan actually donated to a thrift shop recently. We also find out that Brennan has been having nightmares of a victim that is alive but is totally burned, but she decides to go visit the victims psychologist to discover what her dreams mean. The psychologist is sitting there, looking mighty creepy and lurking around and you’re thinking “It’s him, he’s the killer, TEMPY OPEN YOUR EYES” and Booth comes barging in ready to arrest him, but turns out, he’s not the one.

Brennan returns to the lab and is on the phone with the team when she is visited and kidnapped by the killer, but not before she tells them that he’s there and she knows who it is. Now it’s the teams turn to figure it out, they’re all sitting there putting it together, and Booth knows who it is. And I do. And at this point I’m screaming at the TV. You see Booth drive to a psychiatric facility (I’m still screaming at the TV), and barge past the nurses into a patients room, which is empty and the nurse looks in horror and says “I’ll call security” (I’m still yelling at the TV). Scene cuts, and we see Brennan wake up and sit up on the couch and face her kidnapper … Dr. Zack Addy. *btw, my screaming was justified because I was right*

In case you don’t remember, Zack was Brennan’s intern for years at the beginning of show, loved by all but later found helping a serial killer and killing a lobbyist. In an explosion in the lab, he ends up getting burned and when the killer is found, he gets locked up in a mental asylum rather than going to jail. And now he’s escaped, and kidnapped Brennan and going to have Booth after him – not a good idea mate. Anyway, I think the writers have finally woken up from their 4 year stupour and given is a quality season finale, filled with drama and excitement. Bones is now set to premiere their final 12th season in 2017 with 12 episodes and I can’t wait!

The Walking Dead Season 4, 5 and 6
OK, I’m putting this out there now. If there’s a zombie apocalypse and the world is going to end, either kill me right from the very beginning or leave me the hell alone. I don’t want to have anything to do with anyone if the world is going to be anything like the one on this show. Apart from the fact that there are zombies ready to eat your flesh, the human race, as desperate as they are, can get so EVIL! I mean seriously, you’re all screwed, so why are you fighting each other?! Season 1, 2 and 3 were good in their own way but man, do they really step it up in the next 3 seasons, especially season 6. In season 4, the group are making home in  a prison but are unfortunately overcome with a flu and start dying off one by one. Toss a vengeful Governor into the mix, walkers and bullets, and team are split up (yet again). RIP to Hershel, T-Dog and a handful of other characters that did not deserve their fate. Oh and the Governor finally dies, that horrible horrible man. Season 5 begins with everyone somehow finding train tracks that all have signs leading to Terminus, a “safe” haven for all survivors. except that’s not the case, turns out that Terminus houses a group of cannibals that like to lure survivors to their camp. To eat them. And take their belongings. By the end of this season, everyone manages to get back together and find Alexandria, a small, self-sufficient, and protected community run by a Congresswoman. But on the way, they had to say sad goodbyes to Bob, Beth (this was totally uncalled for, what a shocking deaeth) and many more (including the psycho little girl), but they did gain a few trustworthy friends along the way.

And finally, season 6. Holy schmoly. Usually, there’s a big episode at the beginning of the season and then it calms down again until the middle of the season and then again at the end. This was not the case. From the get go, the group are attacked by a group called The Wolves and then a humongous (and I mean humongous) herd of walkers. After somehow fighting and living through that, they manage to help out another group, Hilltop, and promise to help them defeat the Saviours in exchange for food. Of course, our guys manage to defeat the Saviours, but unknown to them, their leader, Negan, was safe, leading the Saviours to cleverly round up our entire group of survivors and seek compensation for the people they killed at his location. The end of the season involved Negan beating up one of our guys with a barb wired baseball bat, but the question is, who does he kill? Daryl, Rosita, Michionne, Glenn, Maggie, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Eugene, Carl or Abraham?! Apart from the season 5 ending of Game of Thrones, I beg anyone to find me a more cliffhangar-ey season finale.

Mr. Robot E03
Ah this show! Everything is so choppy at the moment, I can’t wait for things to start coming together but things are complicated, so I apologise in advance if I don’t make sense. I try guys, I really do. So we start the episode with learning about the arcade that fsociety works out of, and Romero (old African American guy) and Mobley (guy who works with Darlene and is also the IT guy in ECorp) are talking about the arcade. Next minute, Romero is found dead in his house by Mobley and the police are called in, as well as our FBI agent (and I have no idea what her name it) because he was known to be into drugs. Turns out, she has her own crippling mental and social issues but starts investigating Romero’s death, leading her to his mothers new residence. There, she finds glass ware wrapped with papers that look like they have codes on them and she finds a poster for a DJ Mobley gig, which leads her straight to the arcade, headed with the signed that reads “fsociety”. Meanwhile, Mobley and Darlene go visit the Muslin girl part of fsociety ad talk about the Dark Army. Darlene insists that she’s the only one that talks to them and they can’t be the one that killed Romero but Mobley starts doubting that because Elliot did have contact with the Dark Army before Darlene. Which begs the question, did Elliot inadvertently send the someone/the Dark Army to kill Romero (and maybe Gideon)? My question seems highly plausible because now we know that Elliot isn’t in control of his life. While this is happening, Angela’s boss takes her to dinner with two men in ECorp, two men that were involved in the incident that lead to the death of her parents and he gives her a disc with evidence that can put them away for life – but he also makes her have to chose between the men responsible for her parents or the men that have families and support the community in every other way.

Elliot’s story line starts back which his call from Tyrell, who says that he’s where he’s supposed to be, but refuses to tell a confused Elliot where it is he actually is. Mr. Robot comes back and Elliot finds out about Gideon’s death, which he says has a huge impact on his life, losing one of the few people he actually liked. Now here it get’s messy. We get to see a scene where Elliot’s new friend Ray is sitting at an empty dining table, talking to no one in particular, with a dialysis machine plug in and turned on. In the next scene, Elliot manages to get his hands on some Adderall and takes them in order to get rid of Mr. Robot, but then finds himself kidnapped, and tortured by having concrete shoveled down his throat. But then the scene cuts again and we see Elliot sitting in his room, vomit everywhere, the pills still fairly whole and Mr. Robot taunting him. We then realise that the kidnapping was all in Elliots head, and he sifts through the vomit to get the pills ad swallows them again, much to the horror of Mr. Robot. The next montage is Elliot – high on Adderall and very low on sleep. After confessing his true feelings about his God support group, he leaves and runs into Ray (who we find out has been threatening a tech guy for some help with his partner) who confesses that his wife had died 5 years ago. After realising that talking to his dead wife was healthy and appropriate for him to move on, he manages to get Elliot talking about his issues, Mr. Robot and his life – maybe Elliot can get some actual help now! This show messes with my head, but I can’t get enough 😀 

Suits E02
Let’s start off with dear old Mikey. He’s in prison, he gets riled up by Frank and gets in a fight over Rachel and isn’t allowed any visitation, which is annoying because Donna manages to get Rachel on the list. After Harvey visits Mike, he learns that Frank shouldn’t even be in that prison. he was put away from racketeering and a handful of other crimes for 15 years because the evidence Harvey had collected against Frank for conspiracy to commit murder had come missing. Now Frank is after Mike to get back at Harvey and only after Mike’s new roommate steps in and stops Frank almost slicing Mike open, does Mike actually trust Kevin now. Harvey also calls in a favour from Sean Cahill (federal prosecutor) to have Frank moved out of the prison but let’s see how that goes.

Back at Pearson Specter Litt, they tell the lawyer who’s representing the recent;y departed lawyers that she has to sign off on the deal to use the buy-ins to pay for the suit and the settlement almost goes through until  Elliot Stemple rocks up, saying that his client, Rothman Insurance, was left off the list of clients Mike had any involvement in. The settlement was halted, and we find out that all the lawyer wants is to get back at Harvey and wants $20 million dollars to drop his suit… or the painting of a duck that Harvey has in his office. Harvey gives him the painting, with despair, it’s then we find out that it was painted by Harvey’s mother, the last happy memory he had of her. Meanwhile, Jack Soloff comes to Jessica asking her to pay for his buy in because he can’t afford Robert Zane’s buy in and initially Jessica refuses, but then offers to give him a loan to pay for it, and the only thing I can assume is happening is Jessica is making as many friends as she can as well as get as many favours as possible from as many people as she can so that, when needed, she can call on them. Smart lady 🙂

And that’s me for another week, adios!

Here We Go Again

Alrighty, we’re starting again. Now that the fall TV shows are almost over (Bones is taking their time), it’s time for the summer series’ to start. This week, Mr. Robot and Suits made a return and Halt and Catch Fire is due to start on the 23rd of August. I am still powering through The Walking Dead, I have 2 more episodes of the latest season to finish and after that, I’ll give you the lowdown on what I thought of seasons 4, 5 and 6. happy excited the walking dead joy rick grimes

Mr.Robot Season 2 Eo1 & Eo2
The thing I love about this show is that it started in one place, and by the end of season 1, it had gone in a completely different direction. What may have started as a crime/drama/thriller has moved into a more drama/thriller/mindf*** type show, that completely messes with your head. When we last left the show, we find out that the mysterious Mr. Robot is actually a figment of Elliot’s personality/mind that has taken the shape of his father. So not only does Elliot have issues with anxiety and depression, he is now delusional and has no control over what Mr. Robot is doing. And this is where we start Season 2 – the first two episodes focus on Elliot and his control over himself and Mr. Robot. He’s moved back in with his mother, has a strict routine that he follows, logging everything into this journal so that every minute of every day is accounted for. Mr. Robot visits him once in a while, trying to get him to get back into hacking and fixing the world, but Elliot ignores him. He starts getting delusions where Mr. Robot shoots him in the head and “kills” Gideon, but from what we can see, it’s happened before and Elliot’s learning how to stop it and come to terms with his delusions. But in true Mr. Robot fashion, in the last 10 minutes of the second episode, we learn that Elliot befriends a man from his neighbourhood but doesn’t remember the incident, until he runs home to see his journal, realising that although he might be consciously going to bed at night, his “alter ego” wakes up and does his business as well.

Meanwhile, the rest of the double episode shows is what’s been happening with the rest of the cast.  Darlene (Elliot’s sister) is still running fsociety and together, they hack into ECorp’s executives house and mess with it’s electronics (sound system, heating, alarms etc), thus making her flee to her other house and thats where they make camp. fsociety’s next plan comes into action when they hack into ECorps banking system and demand $5.9 million to be dropped off in a park in exchange for releasing the system. But of course, fsociety isn’t about money, and get the new CTO to burn all the money showing him what they’re about. Now the next bit is a little shocking. After visiting Elliot and threatening him by saying he would go to the FBI with information about Elliot’s behaviour at Allsafe, Gideon is having drinks at a bar with a man who then murders him. To be honest, I’m going to have to watch the scene again because I have no idea why the man kills him, but it does beg the question – does he have something to do with Elliot and the interaction Gideon and he had earlier that day? If Elliot doesn’t remember what he does, how do we know he didn’t ask this man to get rid of Gideon? We also get a flashback where we learn that Tyrell (that European dude who had a kinky wife that was the CTO of ECorp) was the one that recorded an fsociety video the night he went to visit Elliot (and ECorp was brought down). He’s not in the rest of the episode but we do get a bit more on his wife, who now has a new, younger sex buddy, and receives a gift with a  mobile phone in it. now what I gather from this is that Tyrell has gone into hiding (maybe?) or is staying away from the family for their protection (remember he killed that lady?) and this is the only way he can contact his wife. Who knows, we need more information. But the double episode ends with Elliot getting a call from Tyrell saying “Bonsoir Elliot” … mysterious :/baby kung fu fighting everybodySafe to say, this season of Mr. Robot has a lot to live up to considering last season was amazing, and the first two episodes have been pretty much up to that standard. Let’s see what happens!

Suits Season 6 E01
Can someone please tell the writers that character development is important and there is another formula that they can write their episodes on rather than the “something is wrong/ Louis messes up, Louis is insecure, Jessica tells him to get a grip, Louis/Jessica/Harvey fix things, Donna is smart and resourceful, and Mike and Rachel relate everything back to their relationship”. Seriously guys, I’m sick of it. Considering Mike is finally in jail and the show has a chance to progress and changes it’s boring routine, they haven’t grasped this opportunity with both hands!

So basically, we have two story lines this episode. Storyline 1 is that Mike is in jail and gets put in a cell with a fairly decent guy called Frank who was caught doing some illegal financial stuff. They start to trust each other, Mike talks to him and Frank let’s Mike send Rachel a message saying that he’s safe and ok in his cell. But that’s when Frank reveals that he’s not Mike’s cell mate (he paid off a prison guard to help him out) and has gotten close to Mike in order to get to Harvey, the lawyer that put him in jail in the first place. To make matters worse, he now has a hidden mobile phone with Rachel’s number, something he will definitely use to get back at Harvey.

In storyline 2, Harvey goes over to Rachel’s to have a chat to her but gets a call from the office. They meet up with Donna, Louis (who’s still such a drama queen) and Jessica in an empty office. Jessica gets sued for $100m from all the other partners/lawyers and they plan to serve that money to each and everyone of the lawyers because they were at the firm while Mike was still there. Look, tbh, the entire episode is a whole mess, they get hacked but in the end, they realise the best course of action is to use all the buy-ins from all the lawyers to pay for the law suits, which means that there’s no money left for the lawyers to sue Jessica for. Genius! But I think the best part of the episode is when Jessica and Harvey get Louis high with them – amidst the annoying storyline, we got to see some really good chemistry between the three that we haven’t before. Anyway, I’d be interested to see what happens next episode, will there be a Pearson Specter Litt at all?

Bones E21

This was the second last episode of the season, and I can only assume that next weeks episode will involve the long awaited wedding of Cam and Arastoo! The case this week was fairly normal, a jewellery robbery gone wrong but we also see an improvement in Hodgins paralysis, which is always good to see 🙂

Anyway, that’s me for this mid-week, delayed review – see y’all next week!

The Girl with No Name

A lovely quick update on things: Season 6 of Suits starts up again on the 13th of July and Mr. Robot and Halt and Catch Fire will start sometime around then, though dates haven’t been confirmed. Orange is the New Black Season 4 came out on the 17th of June on Netflix, but after my 13 hour binge watch of Daredevil a few months ago, I decided against doing that all again – so you’ll get a proper review of if next week 🙂 tv sad parks and recreation amy poehler death

Game of Thrones E08
Things are starting to pick up again, ready in time for the historically awesomely epic episode 9. Considering the last 5 seasons have included the Ned Stark’s beheading, the Battle of Blackwater, The Red Wedding, The Battle at Castle Black and Shireen’s unfortunate death, this season is leading up to one of the most epic episodes ever. It’s called The Battle of the Bastards, and you can only guess what is going to happen – Go Team Snow (is anyone actually on Team Bolton?????)!!!! Anyway let’s start this:

  • Braavos: Lady Crane helps a bleeding Arya and fixes her up, allowing her to rest and recover. The next morning, a boy comes to the Lady’s quarters and after a scuffle, Arya finds the Lady dead on the floor and the boy standing over her, who’s actually the Waif. After a run through Braavos (that I’m pretty sure should have killed her because she’s sliced her stomach open and does a jump that should have broken both legs…) she ends up using her newly learned skills to kill the smiling bitch with Needle, and place the Waif’s face in the temple before telling Jaqen that she’s Arya of House Stark and she’s heading back home. Do I hear a Stark reunion happening?? queen moments should prove starkAnd I’m sorry, but what a useless story arc. Apart from learning how to fight blind, Arya story hasn’t grown at all and she’s still the same person. Eh, not impressed.
  • The Hound: He manages to chase down 4 of the Red Guard and kills them out of revenge but knows that the leader is still missing, so continues on his journey where he finds the Brotherhood Without Banners, about to hang three of their men, including the leader the Hound wants. Beric Dondarrion respects the Hound, so gives him the opportunity to kill two of the men, only by hanging, not gutting. The Hound gets his revenge and the Brotherhood offer him a place in their group, to go North and fight the White Walkers, though I reckon they’re going to get stuck in the middle of the battle and I pray they side with Jon, because he’s gonna need all the men he can get!
  • Meereen: Tyrion and Varys see the Red Lady 2.0 and her priests talking to the crowds and see Meereen prospering again. We also find out that Varys leaves for Westeros, with the aim of returning with more allies and ships to help their cause, and can I just say, I want one of those bright yellow Meereenese dresses stat, they look amazing! After a while, we see Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm actually drinking and laughing, only to have their happy moment ruined by all the Masters coming back to claim their property. And just as things are getting bad, DANY COMES BACK! All we know at this point is shit is going down and the Masters are catapulting the giant pyramid and Dany arrives on Drogons back, ready to save her people.
  • Kings Landing – SUCK IT CERSEI! Anyway, we’ll get to that later, but man, I haven’t smiled so much in a long time. So the High Sparrows minions come to bring Cersei to the Church to talk to the High Sparrow, but she refuses, leading to the Sparrows being complete idiots and trying to use force against Gregor Clegane, obvs one of them died because its a stupid decision to go up against a once-dead-now-alive giant killing machine :/ and Cersei has made her point. In the next scene, Tommen calls for a Royal Announcement where he reveals that Loras and Cersei will be facing trial at the Great Sept of Balor on the first day of the Festival of the Mother. To make matters even worse for Cersei, he reveals that he’s forbidden trial by combat and Cersei realises that she can’t use Gregor to fight her battles and she is definitely and infinitely screwed. Can you imagine the deaths of Cersei AND Ramsay in the same episode? Maybe the world is a good place!
    simon helberg can i get a hallelujah big bang theory cbs hallelujah
  • Riverrun – Bronn. Man, I love that man, just pure sass and cheek. Brienne and Pod meet up with Bronn and Jaime and there’s some sweet reunions. Brienne tells Jaime of Sansa’s plan, to convince Blackfish to give Riverrun to Jaime, so he can leave and give safe passage to the Tully’s so they can join the North to fight for Jon. However, when Brienne goes to try and talk to Blackfish, he refuses to surrender saying that it’s his home versus Sansa’s and he won’t risk it. After that huge failure, Jaime decides to use Edmure, threatening him with his Walder wife and baby son, making him go to the castle and demand entry. The Blackfish refuses him entry but his men have to obey their Lord and at that point, that’s Lord Edmure Tully. Edmure tells the men to lay down their arms and open the gates, admitting the Walder/Lannister troops into castle, with a disappointed Blackfish looking on. Brienne and Pod managed to escape the castle but unfortunately Blackfish dies trying to fight the Frey men and helping the other two escape. The last thing we see is Jaime standing in the castle looking down on Brienne and Pod escape in a boat along the stream – forever apart these two. Imagine Jaime and Tormund fighting for Brienne’s attention, is that not a fight you want to see? As much as I like Jaime now, I kinda want Tormund to win, just to get a few laughs because I reckon he would no idea how to deal with Lady Brienne of Tarth hahahaha:)

Bones E19
The case is interesting, Booth and Brennan are spring cleaning and we finally get to see Cam’s engagement ring!!!

Slowing Down

This week was very very quiet, and seeing as I only had to watch Game of Thrones and Bones, I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Nickelodeon cartoon that had a terrible movie made after it. Now don’t be quick to judge, it is a cartoon for kids and is a few years old, but it is one of the most amazing shows I’ve ever seen. The series follows Aang, the last airbender and his mission to end the 100 year war and remove the Fire Nation leader from power along with his friends Katara, Sokka, Momo and Appa. The show is emotional, funny, action packed and spectacular. Each of the characters grow and discover themselves in a way you can identify with, and they manage to make a few unlikely friends along the way. The show ran for 3 seasons, with a total of 61 episodes, each about 20 mins long. If you’ve got nothing to watch for the next few weeks, I highly recommend you give it a go, you definitely won’t regret it.
aang avatar aang avatar state avatar legend of aang

Game of Thrones E06
We’re started the second half of the season and things weren’t as “intense” as usual, but that’s fine, you can’t expect everything to be mind-blowing every episode. Plus my heart possibly can’t take that much drama every week.

  • Bran: Meera and Bran are being attacked by a some Wights but are saved by a mysterious man who turns out to be MISTER UNCLE BENJEN STARK!!!! We knew he was never dead! Turns out, a White Walker stabbed him but the Children of the Forest saved him and reversed the magic partially by putting some dragon glass in him. BUT WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST, THE STARKS ARE REUNITING! All we need now is Sansa and Jon to meet up with Bran, go save Rickon from Ramsay and then head over to Braavos to get Arya 😀
  • Horn Hill: Sam, Gilly and Little Sam finally get to Horn Hill and meet Sam’s mother and sister, who are the most loving and sweet women ever, and not in a manipulative/fake way. They’re genuinely lovely. Then we finally meet Daddy dearest during dinner, the most narcissistic, horrible father ever (though that statement doesn’t really hold true after Stannis burns Shireen). He treats Sam like shit and belittles him, but Gilly holds her ground and tries to defend Sam, but reveals that she’s a Wilding, making the dad even more horrible, if that was possible :/ Daddy dearest kicks Sam out but says Gilly can stay with his heir in the castle, and as Sam goes to say goodbye to Gilly and Sam, he realised “fuck dad”, takes his family and the family sword and leaves his home forever. WOOOOOO thedailyshow  reaction tv show win excited
  • Kings Landing: The High Sparrow and Tommen have a chat, and then he goes to talk to Margaery about her Walk of Atonement and it almost sounds like they’ve been brainwashed. The way they talk about the High Sparrow is so preachy :/ But just before she’s about to start her Walk, the Tyrell’s, Jaime and their army arrive to stop the Walk. But the High Sparrow throws a doozy, says that she has been atoned because she brought Tommen into the Light of the Seven and the crown and faith are now a team. Jaime does NOT look happy, and it doesn’t get better when Tommen kicks him off the Kings Guard and off to fight the Black Fish in Riverrun.
  • Braavos: Arya manages to successfully poison Lady Crane’s rum but knocks it out of her hand before she can drink it, saving her life and going against the Faceless Men. The Waif gets permission from Jaqen to kill Arya and Arya goes off to find Needle and wait out the incoming storm. As much as Arya’s story is boring, I can’t wait to see her beat up the Waif 😀
  • The Twins: Walder Frey tells his sons to use Hoster Tully as leverage against the the Black Fish as Riverrun. God, Mr. Filch can get on my nerves.
  • Dothraki Sea: Is anyone else getting sick of Dany and her useless, crowd gathering speeches? Get a move on Mother of Dragons! Cross the damn ocean, take back the Seven Kingdoms and be done with it. In this episode, she finds Drogon flying over the desert and rides him back to her people and then gives another speech about her army following their queen to the other side of the sea and taking her crown back. That’s all good and fine, but uhm, Dany – where are ya boats? movie pixar frustrated facepalm brave

Bones E18
This episode was a little different from others, the director had decided to make it like it was a documentary about the Jeffersonian and the FBI. The case was alright but they incorporated a beautiful message about what kids want to be when they grow up and what all the adults said in response to the same question. Also – Cam and Arastoo get back together! Cam realises how much she still loves him and asks him to marry her, finally!

Another Season Comes to a Close

Alright guys, this is the last week with the last set of season finales. After this, it’s just going to be Game of Thrones and Bones for a while, with some other shows I’m watching (which I’ll keep you updated on) and then shows such as Suits, Halt and Catch Fire and Mr. Robot will start up again in a few weeks, around mid-July.

Game of Thrones E05
Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor:
Translation: “Oh wow, this was a depressing week and you know exactly what I’m talking about:”

  • Castle Black: Littlefinger tries to apologise to Sansa and she completely OWNS him, making him realise what a colossal dick he is and tells him to leave her alone, refusing to take his help to take back the North. We also learn that Uncle Brandon has taken back River Run and has an army that can help Jon and Sansa, so their troupe head out of Castle Black to go to the other smaller houses of the North, ready to take on the Ramsay. Also, this happened, totally shipping it:
    Game of Thrones animated GIF
  • Braavos: Arya is told to kill a Lady Crane, a lady who works with a travelling play and does a play about the Rob Baratheon, Ned and the Lannisters. It’s very crude. We also learned a but more about the Faceless Men and the Many Faced God.
  • Iron Islands: Yara and Theon are defeated by Euron Greyjoy who admits to killing their father and King and says his aim is to marry Dany and take over the 7 Kingdoms. Once he becomes the new King, he orders a 1,000 new ships built for his fleet and heads after his niece and nephew to kill them, only to find that they have run away, hoorah! Can’t get them, evil uncle!
  • Dothraki Sea: Dany confronts Jorah but he says he’s leaving because of his Dragonscale. She then orders him to go find a cure and return to her, to be by her side as she rules the 7 Kingdoms. Mate, Jorah, I reckon that’s the closest you’re going to get to getting out of the friend-zone.
  • Meereen: Tyrion and Varys ask for the help of Kinvara, another Red Priestess from Volantis, to help Dany and let the people know that Dany is being lead by the Lord of Light. I’m entirely sure why Tyrion wants to do this, maybe it’s easier to tell the population that Dany is following a God rather than her own revenge?
  • Bran: We learn that it was Children of the Fores that first create the White Walkers by placing a piece of Dragon Glass (Maybe? I’m speculating…) into a man, in order to defeat the Men in the war. Bran then also is another vision (can’t call it a memory) where he sees an army of White Walkers and wights and one of the White Walkers touches his arm. The Raven is really freaked out and tells Bran that he has to leave :/ Ok now here it gets hectic. Bran is in a memory, watching Ned, Benjen and Hodor and back in the cave, the White Walkers and their army arrive, ready to kill. Meera tries to get Bran to wake up but he can’t and Hodor is freaking out and sitting in the corner, unable to help. So somehow, Bran (in his memory) hears Meera screaming at him and through past-Hodor, gets control of present-Hodor, and gets him to start fleeing with Bran in the cart. Unfortunately, the army is too strong and comes into the cave, killing Leaf and her fellow Children and Summer sacrifices himself to protect Bran (OMG NO NO THE WOLVES, WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE WOLVES?!). And here comes the hear break. Meera, Hodor and Bran escape through a back door, but in order to do so, Meera and Bran order Hodor to “hold the door”. This command kind of reverberates back to past-Hodor, who starts having a fit in Bran’s memory, slowing transforming “hold the door” to “hodor”. The last scene of the episode is beautiful, simple, loving and heroic Hodor, standing against the door, getting mauled to death by wights but allowing Bran to escape with his life. Rest in Peace Summer and Hodor.

The Flash E23 (Season Finale)
“OMG WHY BARRY?!” That was the last thing I said as this episode and you’ll find out why. Anyway, Zoom comes to Barry and tells him that he wants to race him to find out who’s the fastest man alive, but Team Flash realise that the reason he’s doing this is to siphon Barry’s power to start up a Magnatar, a device that can potentially destroy the multiverse and leave Earth as sole planet left in an infinite number of universes. Zoom clearly has some ego issues, but whatever. Barry is a little too emotional and angry after his Henry’s death, so they decide to lock him up with the rest of the metas and hatch a plan to use Caitlin to distract Zoom while Cisco opens up a breach and they push through Zoom. And all goes to plan, till Zoom takes Joe with him. Wally is furious with the team for not going back to get Joe from Earth-2 and frees Barry in order to help them. Meanwhile, we discover that the masked man held by Zoom is the real Jay Garrick, another Speedster from Earth-3. Anyway, Barry tells Zoom he’ll race Zoom, in exchange for Joe. They start their race, but half way through, Barry creates a time remnant to counteract the Magnatar’s power and does this, but dies while doing so. Meanwhile, Flash fights Zoom and just at the opportune moment, the Dementors ie. the Time Wraiths come and kill Zoom, leaving everyone safe and sound. Back in the lab, Harry manages to take the mask of Jay Garrick, who just happens to be Henry Allen’s doppleganger, and poor Barry can’t deal. But Jay has to get back to his Earth, and volunteers to drop Harry and Jesse back to their home so goodbyes all around. The episode ends Caitlin, Cisco, Wally, Iris and Barry with Joe having dinner and Barry tells Iris that he needs to take care of himself first before they do anything about “them”. Which is all fine and dandy, Iris agrees to wait because she loves him and then Barry does something stupid. He goes back in time. To his mothers death. And stops it so that his mum says alive and Reverse Flash dies. And a this point, I’m hurling abuses as the TV. Barry, what the hell! You KNOW that this doesn’t work, your mother is supposed to die, and now you’ve gone and messed everything up! I know losing your parents is hard but you’ve got them both justice and killed their murders, just move on with your life!!!!! Whatever happens next, you only have yourself to blame, you stupid stupid man. *End rant*snl saturday night live omg oh my god brie larson

Arrow E23 (Season Finale)
The ending for this season was kind of… meh, to be brutally honest. Once Darhk comes to Felicity’s apartment, he hurts Curtis and steals the laptop which controls Rubicon being offline and takes his daughter. They discover that Oli can’t beat Darhk and Darhk has set off 15,000 missiles to hit all over the world, the first to hit Star City in 45 mins. So the team get together, with Merlyn (he’s just a nosy guy that has all his remaining 5 fingers in all the pies, it’s so annoying), Felicity and Curtis manage to redirect all the nukes to outer space to blow up after Seldon sacrifices himself to give her the laptop and Oli gives a inspirational speech to Star City, telling them all they have to do is believe that they can beat this and carry on like the troopers they are. Then comes a massive street fight and the hope that the crowd gives Oli allows him to take on Darhk who’s powers aren’t strong enough and in the end, Oli does the only thing possible and stabs Darhk in the chest, killing him. I swear, if Oli had done the “hero” thing and let him go, I would have stopped watching right there. And now comes the meh part: Captain Lance is fired from the SCPD, Thea leaves to rethink her life, Diggle takes a break with his family but then joins the Navy and is deployed, Felicity stays where she is in Star City and Oli becomes the interim Star City Mayor. See what I mean? Meh. Everyone is alive (except Darhk), the world is safe and the team “appears” to be disbanded. One thing I can wish for next season though – the stupid flashbacks ending. God, they were a waste of screen time this season!reaction james marsden eh not impressed

Supernatural E23 (Season Finale)
Boy, that was an anti-climatic episode, especially for the last of the season! God is dying, the Sun is dying, Amara is getting stronger and the balance of the world is off, meaning that everyone is going to die, basically what happens at the end of every single season of this show. The team realise that the only way to destroy Amara is to create a bomb with Lightness, to defeat her Darkness and the bomb has to contain thousands of souls. Sam and Dean go and pick up some 100 ghosts from a mental asylum, and Billie the Reaper manages to fill the rest of the bomb with all the souls she’s reaped. The bomb is then placed into Dean where he’s told to get close to Amara and then set it off, killing both of them. Cue: sad goodbyes. And again, we knows he’s some how going to survive so why bother with this every season? Anyway, here’s the anti-climatic part: Dean manages to convince Amara to talk to Chuck and smooth things over, she does and then her and God leave for a nice family vacation, leaving Earth to return to normal. At this point, Amara thanks Dean and says “I want to give you what you gave to me”. Nek minnit, Dean is walking through a forest and comes across a woman. His mother. Oh boy. Meanwhile, Sam thinks Dean is dead and returns to the bunker, to find Lady Antonia in his house, a member of the Men of Letters UK branch. She says the brothers have caused too much trouble and need to be punished and when Sam refuses, she shoots him. Again, we know he’s not going to die, why kill one of the brothers every season finale only to have them back again the next episode? Silly writers.movies eye roll ferris buellers day off mia sara dayoff

Bones E17
It was a nice and simple episode involving the death of a Secret Service agent, Bones was sick and Dr. Colin Fisher (an intern) was back to give a helping hand.

That was a nice short post from me, see you all next week!

Merry Christmas!

Hello internet! This is the last week for the mid-season finals, which means that we have a little 2 week break before they all start up again, as well as a handful of other shows like Suits, Agent Carter and The 100 that are going to start up in January again. Things are going to get BUSAYYYYYY, so let’s get this party started!

The Big Bang Theory E10, E11

I’m going to start with the show that enjoyed the most this week, and that has to be, without a doubt, The Big Bang Theory. I think for the first time this season, we had two genuinely funny episodes, and most of it had to do with Sheldon. Sheldon and Amy get back together (and Stephen Merchant is pure gold in this episode), and in episode 11, Sheldon gives up his tickets to the Star Wars premier to spend Amy’s birthday with her (frankly, that is amazing, because even I wouldn’t do that for someone!) and finally get physical with her. I think the last scene of the episode where they show similarities between Shamy post-sex and Howard, Raj and Leonard post-Star Wars was absolutely hilarious and I would like to say a big thank you to the writers for finally giving me the giggles I’ve been waiting for all season! Also, as a little extra, The Force Awakens was an amazing movie, JJ Abrams has done the franchise justice and if you haven’t seen it yet, get off your butts and do it now!

Bones E09, E10

Holy shit, I don’t even know where to start! Episode 9 was pretty good, we had Bones and Booth go undercover at an Old Western-style shooting competition and all is well between them. But episode 10 is the one, and it is a perfect way of showing how writers can still be inventive and keep their fan base after 11 years. The episode starts off with a victim – that blows up and puts Aubrey and Hodgins in the hospital. While the rest of the team look for the horrible person who did this, Arastoo comes back to the lab to help and Cam is stuck between trying to get over him and starting something new with Sebastian, Angela’s photography mentor. Anyway, everyone is fine and happy and alive by the end of the episode but then [someone] collapses and the doctors tell the team that [someone] is paralysed thanks to a lethal combination of the medication they were taking and their current condition. That is literally the only way I can tell you what happened without ruining it too much for you, so many feels!


This episode had a lovely midseason, Christmassy feel to it and I loved it. The episode revolved around Ducky’s past and the mystery behind his half-brother, who no one knows about! The story was very interesting, involving a lovely brotherly-fatherly relationship between Ducky and his brother Nicholas, and the pain that comes with losing a brother, and then finding out he’s dead, and then discovering that he is in fact alive and in America. Everyone has done their part in the episode and the writers still astound me by bringing our facets of a character that we haven’t discovered after watching the show for 13 years. BUUUUUUUT, the best part of the episode was cheating scumbag Jake coming to Ellie for forgiveness and acting like a lost puppy only to have her say that it was over and he should leave. YES ELLIE, YES! DON’T YOU DARE TAKE HIM BACK, HE DOESN’T DESERVE YOU! *rant over*

Scorpion E12

What a ridiculous episode! Ok, I get it; they’re amazingly smart, stupidly daring and huge risk-takers, but seriously? In this episode, the team somehow manage to stop an overflowing dam breaking and destroying a small city by dropping a bomb into it and causing a tsunami wave back up the river into another dam. I don’t care if it was actually theoretically possible or whatever, this shit is getting a little bit ridiculous, I mean come on. At one point Cabe is climbing up a vertical damn wall by spraying on quick-dry cement to make steps (come on, that man is at least 55, there’s no way he can do that), Happy almost drowns and Toby messes up throwing the bomb but it still manages to blow up in just the right way. At this point, I threw my hands up in the air (saying “Aayoo, gotta let go…”) in frustration and just gave up. Oh and to top it off, Walters wins the $15 million funding for his rocket but decides to send up Megan’s ashes in the rocket instead, destroying what he had been working on for the last year. I give up (but will continue to watch the show because that’s what I do) 🙂

Quantico E11

Ahhhhhhh I don’t know if I should not give any spoilers, and make this a terrible review, or just tell you everything that happens!!! Ah screw it, spoilers up ahead, if you haven’t seen the episode yet, then scroll down till you see a picture of a kitten in a little itty bitty wheelchair. Ok so in the present, the team finds out that Simon is the bomber, and find him in a hotel room (where the Democratic delegates, and Caleb’s mum, are staying for a conference) with a detonator clenched in his fist. But, PLOT TWIST, Elias Harper has been blackmailed into framing Alex for the first bomb and Simon for the second and being unable to deal with the pressure of the whole situation, commits suicide! Meanwhile, the FBI find the bomb in the hotel and diffuse it, releasing Simon but PLOT TWIST, there was a third bomb. In the command centre. WHAAAAAAAT?! Go back to Quantico, and Nimah, Alex, Natalie and Shelby are alone for New Year’s Eve at the academy and get invited to Caleb’s house for his family’s Christmas dinner. Long story short, Alex runs into Ryan and his ex-wife on an undercover mission, Shelby meets Caleb’s mother, sees what lengths he can go to reveal the truth about people ad finally learns about what he did when he was in that cult years ago. And that’s when we say bye-bye to Sheleb (or Calby?) And now I need to wait more than a week to see what happens!!!!!


NCIS: Los Angeles E06, E07, E08, E09, E10, E11

After mass watching these 6 episodes to the mid-season finale, I realised how much I really like this show and didn’t know why I took so long to catch up! I feel like each episode had something in it so let’s make a little list and go through them one by one:

  1. Sam’s old partner, Mark Ruiz, is involved and disappears with a whole lotta explosives
  2. Deeks and Kensi go undercover into a cult organisation called the Church of the Unknown and it’s creepy and weird as hell, but I think it was a good way of relating it to what is happening around the world in terms of religion and their leaders and followers.
  3. Remember when Sam recues his Sudanese lover from her psychotic brother only to leave her at the airport by herself while he goes back to his family? Well that story continues when we realise that Jada is miserable here and is doing everything she can to get back to her brother. This is another moment where rather than always taking the side of America/the developed world, the writers have forced us to see the victim’s perspective and how it must be liked to be torn away from your family and being told that this new place their living is “better for them”.
  4. Man the writers were on a roll with looking at different perspectives! Here we dealt with ISIS but not in the traditional “let’s bomb everyone” type of way, but in terms of young girls being convinced to give themselves up as brides for these terrorists. It kind of hit me very hard because I had ever thought about this part of ISIS’s operation, but it seems very logical and easy for them to convince naïve young girls that their place should be with these men. Oh and to top this episode off, Deeks gets arrested by the LAPD for murdering his old partner :/
  5. I can’t believe I’m going to admit this but this episode made me very nervous. Not because Deeks was arrested (let’s be honest here, not for one minute did I think that Deeks would be arrested for long, he’s a main character, come on!) but because things were going so well for him and Kensi, and this could ruin everything. Anyway, Deeks was being accused of killing his partner who was a terrible man who almost killed an informant, and the team had to go into Deek’s past to really figure out if he was innocent. Highlights include everything to do with Mamma Deeks who is just the sweetest and most loving mother. Oh and PLOT TWIST – He actually did kill his partner. HOLY SHIT WHAT?!
  6. To end this half of the season, we had a nice and jolly Christmas episode filled with cute little moments between all the team members. The only real important scene in this episode was when Deeks reveals to Kensi that he did kill his old partner, and Kensi says that she knew and is glad that he decided to tell her. Look at them being all trusting and mature, they are just the cutest!

And that’s me done for this week! Next week is going to be a little shorty too, I’ll give my review for all the Supernatural episodes I’ve missed as well as the Doctor Who Christmas Special. Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe!


I need to work on my titles…

I’m going to start by apologising right now, this is going to be a stupidly long post again, but I just can’t help myself! I edit and edit and try and cut things down but its soooooo hard!

Castle – E06, 07, 08

So I was deciding which show I should catch up on first this week, and decided on Castle. There were only three episodes, it’s the mid-season finale and I just wanted to find out if Caskett will survive! And my prayers were answered. In the episode 6, Beckett wasn’t present, but Ethan Slaughter was back to partner with Castle, and it took me so long to realise that it was Adam Baldwin who was on Firefly with Nathan Fillion! Thanks to him, it was a bit of a funny episode, which I definitely enjoyed on my gloomy Tuesday morning bus ride to work. Episode 7 was about Caskett’s anniversary and they decide to take a time-out from their time-out (Hoorah!). But actually, the best part of the episode was Ryan and Espo fighting about getting shot in the butt and not passing the sergeants exam however, the best friends manage to get over their issues after Ryan performs and incredible act of bravery. Bros for life! Now episode 8 was the biggie and as someone who always hopes people end up with a happy(ish) ending, this episode made me very happy. Becket finally comes to her senses and Castle is the usual loving husband. The only thing that niggled at my brain was how freaking suspicious Vikram looks! I’ve always had my doubts about him from the beginning, but in these episodes, he spends the entire time sabotaging Caskett and making Beckett ruin her marriage for “the good of the mission”, or whatever other bs he spouts out. I dunno, he’s a bit fishy, but I guess we won’t find out till February now!

Bones – E05, 06, 07, 08

Bones is an interesting show at the moment. It’s been on for 11 seasons and although most of the cases follow the same format, I’m not entirely sick of it yet, but I do think it’s done it’s time. All the characters are set so there isn’t really anywhere for the show to progress to, but I have a feeling they’ll keep this one going for at least a couple of years. In the four episodes that I missed, the cases and the stories were pretty good, keeping up to the classic Bones standard that we’re all used to by now. Episode 6 showed a little bit more Jessica and Aubrey (they are so adorbz) but the highlight for me was Caroline Julian’s usual sass and flirty behaviour. That woman had me in giggles and I wish that I was half as funny or sassy as her. And to top off their Thanksgiving episode 8, Booth’s oldest son, Parker, was back! It’s been years since he’s come, after moving to London with his mum, but he’s all grown up! Makes you realise how much people change when they’ve been on a show for 11 years J

Scorpion – E06, E07, E08, E09, E10

This show is so bad but so good, I don’t know how I feel. Some part of me loves it, there are so many thing that go wrong and yet they still manage to get the bad guys and not die, and the other part of me just looks at Walter running and jumping onto a moving train and thinks “how much is this show really based on the life of Walter O’Brien?” Anyway, these 5 episodes were great, interesting stories, people almost dying, Walter losing his mind slowly, Toby & Happy’s weird relationship, too much sexual tension between Walter and Paige, and Gabe and Ralph just sitting back watching everyone live their lives. I will mention however, that in episode 10, we say goodbye to Megan, Walter’s sister and Sylvester’s love/wife (that’s a weird story), and the moment was captured beautifully, and yes, I wept like a little baby. Imma probably keep watching the show, but I don’t know for how long, some of the stories are getting a little TOO unbelievable. Even for me.

Arrow E04, E05, E06, E07

I’m going to be honest, the reason it took me an extra week to watch the Arrow episodes was because I was just not motivated enough too. Some of the characters were frustrating, some I would consider reaching into the TV and actually slapping, and the story line was just getting more ridiculous as each episode went by. It is also very evident that the writers have just given up on the past-Oli’s ARGUS storyline because apart from a brief introduction to Constantine, the story is so boring, I don’t care anymore! Episode 4 basically involves everyone finding out about everything so I can tell you what happens in one sentence. Team finds out about new lair, Lance finds out about the lair, Team finds out about Oli wanting to become Mayor, Lance finds out about sara, Oli finds out about Lance and Darhk, and in the flashback, the army guy finds out about Oli’s mission (told you I could do it!) Now I don’t watch the show Constantine but in episode 5, John Constantine, a mysterious man who engages in magic and witchcraft and turns up on Lian-Yu to steal a magical object with Oli’s help in the flashbacks. Fast forward to the present time, and the episode is about asking John for his help in returning Sara’s sol back to her body, which explains why she is coming after Thea (as Thea’s the one that killed her in the first place). Everything turns out fine and dandy except that Felicity finds a voice recording from Ray saying that he’s alive and the episode ends with a bit of a “WTF” moment because Ray was killed in an explosion. Whaaaaaa?

In episode 6, Felicity and her assistant person, Curtis (who for some reason, she trusts with the most sensitive tasks even though she’s known him all of half a season) decode Ray’s message saying that he’s alive and manage to find him. Turns out in the explosion, the nanomites that he was working on caused him and his suit to shrink (like Ant-Man) and who has captured him? None other than Darhk, who just happens have his fingers stuck in every little messy pot in Star City. Anyway, the team manage to get Ray out, safe and sound, and Sara (who’s been feeling a bit blood-lusty) decides to leave Star City and “discover herself” (hmmmm I wonder what new TV show could possibly come from this sudden arrival and departure???). Episode 7 was a little bit frustrating because Diggle tells Oli/ Team Arrow that his brother Andy was killed by HIVE because he became a competitor in the criminal activity world. And then in the next 40 minutes, they discover that Andy is in fact alive and working for HIVE, Diggle doesn’t give a shit and Team Arrow try to convince him that Andy is under the influence of a drug and doesn’t know what he’s doing. Either way, with the help of Ray, Team Arrow manage to infiltrate HIVE and free Andy. Oh and to top it all, Thea discovers that when Darhk tries to kill her by taking away her life force, he can’t and her bloodlust is temporarily gone, WTF?!

The Flash E08, Arrow E08             

So this was a double episode so there was no point in me splitting it between shows because that would make no sense at all. These episodes were totally awesome and I don’t care what people tell me, when Oli and Barry get together, shit is bound to go down. Basically, Cisco’s new “friend that he likes and sometimes kisses”, Kendra, is being hunted by Vandal Savage, an immortal who’s immortality relies on killing Kendra and her soul mates lives every time there are reincarnated. Flashback 4000 years to ancient Egypt, and Vandal is a Priest for the Pharoah, Kendra is Priestess Shayera and Carter is Prince Khufu, her soulmate, and the two are killed then and are destined to be reincarnated, find each other and then die again thanks to Savage. It’s a messy story but in one short yet long sentence, Carter and Kendra can sprout wings, and with Team Arrow and Flash, try and kill Savage but he wipes out Star City with his Staff of Horus. HOWEVER, Flash runs and goes back in time, giving everyone another chance to do it again and live. Barry tells Oli, and then they work together to make sure that they all live, hooray! At the end of the double, Kendra and Carter decide to use their powers to do good (oh I wonder what show they may star in with another blonde woman and possibly a man in a metal suit????), but then something happened that had be screaming at the TV. Throughout the episodes, we discover that Oli has a son who is about 9 years old. In the first time line, he makes Barry run a parternity test and Felicity finds out, they break up, he loses his head and they all die. In the second time line, Barry warns Oli before doing anything stupid, but Oli still goes and sees his baby mumma and promises that in exchange for being a part of his son’s life, he won’t tell anyone about him. Oh wait hang on, don’t you have an amazing woman that you love, and trust, and should tell everything to????!!!! And isn’t she also so amazing that even though you have a son, she will get over it and still love you because she knows you’ve changed?! And this is what had me screaming – OLI HAS LITERALLY JUST DECIDED THAT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH FELICITY IS DOOMED. Not because he has a son, but because he hides it from her… DO THESE PEOPLE NEVER LEARN?!

The Big Bang Theory – E06, E07, E08, E09

OK I still LUUUUURVE this show but there isn’t really much to report on L The show is funny as usual, but nothing much has really happened. Amy starts to see other people and Sheldon realises he still wants her, Leonard and Penny are hilarious in episode 09 and there are the usual giggly moments that happens when the gang discover dating apps, Craigslist and a soup kitchen. Hilarious!

Quantico E09

What is the haps with this show?! Actually, in terms of what is happening in the present time, it’s not that bad and for once, is in favour of Alex. HIG has come in and, with express permission from the President, taken Alex into interrogation, but of course, they’re sneaky little bastards and whisk her away somewhere so that they can torture a confession out of her. And of course, she won’t break because she’s pretty badass so they have somehow captured Booth and are torturing him to get to her (which is definitely working). Meanwhile, Vasquez finds out that the twins are up to something, confront Shelby who somehow convinces her to be on Team Alex, and I still don’t know how she was able to convince her so easily. Team Alex then discovers a massive hole in the FBI’s case and easily convince Liam that Alex is not the terrorist. And then it’s one happy ending! In the flashbacks at the FBI Academy, a forensic pathologist comes for this week’s lesson and let’s just say that Simon discovers some pretty interesting things about the Doc that ends in him almost being kidnapped :/ However after another series of unfortunate events, Simon discovers that the FBI isn’t what it seems and heads to his “bomb friend” to get blueprints for New York train stations. Now, in my experience, that’s just a little too obvious a clue left by the writers, but you know what, I don’t know anything anymore. In other news, we seeing the beginnings of Alex and Liam’s romantic-ness, and I cannot be the only one here who thinks that it’s totally ew??!!!

Agents of SHIELD E09

Ah sooo much happened and I don’t want to bore you, but ooooooooh things are getting good. First things first. Rosalind shot dead. In front of Coulson. You can thank Ward for that excessive “Imma get back at you for killing Garrett” craziness.  And then Banks is killed by the Hydra dude who can control guns (can you tell that I didn’t even bother Googling his name?). Ward then kidnaps FitzSimmons, and tortures Simmons so Fitz can cave and start helping Hydra go through the portal and open it from the other side. Meanwhile, Bobbi, Hunter and Coulson go out to get revenge for Rosalind and Bobbi’s shootings and make Mack the Director of SHIELD (poor guy is totally out of his depth, but I’ll give him props for trying really hard). They go kidnap Ward’s brother Thomas and totally throw Ward of his game by making him talk to the one person that still has a place in his stone-cold Hydra heart. Anyway after the usual confusion and things going wrong, Ward and Fitz go through the portal and have 12 hours to bring the Thing back to Earth. And to finish off the episode, Coulson jumps off the Hydra plane and heroically jumps straight through the portal after Ward and before it closes. It makes me happy that this show is actually going somewhere, too many shows die after two seasons and this one is just getting better!

Once Upon a Time E10

So finally 10 episodes in, we start to link the Camelot storyline to the one occurring in Storeybrooke at the moment and I’m not going to lie, I couldn’t wrap my head around what exactly went on this whole season, but let’s see if explaining it to you will help me too. So in Camelot, Hook goes from “I’m angry with you for making me the Dark One, Emma” to “I love you so much, let’s find a tree and make out under it” so fast and so many times, I can’t count. But basically, Killian Jones wants Emma, but the Dark One (or the Dark Captain as Regina calls him) wants to kill Rumple so he lies to Emma, and then takes and crushes Merlin’s heart so that the curse is enacted (again) and everyone is transported back to Storeybrooke. Emma fights back to take Hook and everyone else’s memories and allows the curse to continue so that everyone wakes up in Granny’s in their Camelot gear minus the memories. Fast forward to the present Storeybrooke, and Hook takes the dream-catchers, but Henry and Emma have another Operation Shitty-Name to get them back and return everyone’s memories. Hook gives Gold the opportunity to fight each other to finally end the feud, of which Gold wins but Hook has another aim. After getting Gold’s blood on his Hook, he goes to the mysterious Lake and uses the blood to open a portal to the Underworld and bring back Nimue and all the other Dark Ones. Why he needed Gold’s blood, I have no idea, but I feel the writers are depending on the confusion of the show to take the viewer’s attention away from the fact that they’re running out of ideas for the show. Not looking good, my friends…

Doctor Who E12

Now usually if I read spoilers or articles on the internet of a particular episode, I tend to agree with them but I haven’t read anything about this episode from the Whovians so this is entirely my opinion. And I loved it. I really, really did. The Doctor arrives of Gallifrey and basically takes over the planet in his attempt to get Clara back. He does this, but she isn’t alive, she has merely been taken seconds before her death, in between heartbeats. The Doctor intends for her to live back in England but to do that, he has to remove all her memories of him, like Donna and the 10th Doctor. What I liked about this episode that rather than the Doctor getting his way, Clara is the one that wins. She removes all his memories of her and leaves him in Nevada, with no idea how he got there, but a TARDIS with a mural of her on the side. She stays a strong and caring companion and for once, she accepted her death as a critical point in the time continuum and didn’t try to change it herself. The other thing that I liked about this episode was that it made so many references to past episodes, brought back Ashildr, and gave us back the classics like Clara’s signature phrase and the sonic screwdriver (for that I thank the Whovians out there that made so much noise about it that Steven Moffat had to go back to it!). Thank you to Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman for giving us an emotional and fitting episode for the end of Series 9. All we need to do now is wait for 3 weeks for the Christmas Special which has the return of River Song!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy this picture of Labrathor, the only doggie worthy to yield Mjölnir:


One last week.

As you can see, I have one last week. Until all hell breaks loose and I have the joy of watching 14 shows as well as maintaining what is deemed an “acceptable social life”. So let’s start, here are my top picks for this week gone by:

Quantico S01 E01
Right. I’m going to be honest, if this show didn’t have Priyanka Chopra in it, I wouldn’t have bothered watching it, but man I would have missed an amazing show! If you don’t know who Priyanka is, go Wiki her now, she’s incredible. The show is about a new group of FBI recruits at Quantico, each with their own set of secrets. Flash forward a few months, Grand Central Station has been blown up, and it’s up to Alex Parrish (Chopra) to figure out which new recruit did it. Oh, but the FBI already think she is the terrorist. Honestly, I think I’m just excited to see Chopra break the stereotypical Indian mold and absolutely own it on the small screen. But if you’re in it for the story, please stay because the series pilot caught me with my jaw on the floor a few times.

Once Upon a Time S05 E01
I like Disney, and I like TV so this show is basically fulfilling all my fan girl dreams. The season opener was good, and delved straight into what all the fans look for, sassy Regina, an emotionally confused Emma and a hurt and distraught Hook (I am very biased with Hook, so for me, he can do no wrong 😉 ) I did enjoy how the writers wove Rumpelstiltskin into the story considering Gold is dying back in Storybrooke. They’ve added Merida from Brave into the story as well as the rose in the case from Beauty and the Beast.  And in true OUAT fashion, there’s a flash forward, memory loss (again, really?) and story lines in two different worlds. Oh, this season is going to be fun!!!

Castle E2
This was a continuation of the first episode, and it was pretty freaking gripping. Highlights include meeting Castle’s step-mother (who is totally bad-ass), finally revealing what the hell got Beckett shot, and Senator Bracken getting involved in some pretty brutal stuff. As I’m typing this, I’ve realised that I don’t really have a solid opinion on the end of this episode. Part of me saw it coming, because how else will the show go on without drama, but part of me just wants everyone to be happy! Not going to give spoilers, you’re just going to have to watch it and find out!

Marvel’s Agents of Shield S03 E01
This was nothing spectacular an episode to be completely honest, and I was a little disappointed. Firstly (and this bothered me a lot), please explain why there was no Agent May or Grant Ward in the episode. Secondly, don’t you dare have Simmons enveloped by the monolith and then not properly explain where she is. Thirdly, stop making Fitz go crazy!!!! He’s a sensitive soul. And fourth – Daisy/Skye has superpowers, she’s gifted, please stop sticking her in revealing clothing. She doesn’t need it and we like her without her chest popping out of her singlet. End rant.

giphy (1)*True image of writers when the fans say they don’t like what they’ve done*

How to Get Away with Murder E02
I think I’m going to have to write a review for each episode of this show, it’s just too freaking intense. And I think the title should always be “Oh look, another dead person”, because that happened again this episode. There are two main points from this episode: 1. What on Earth has happened in Bonnie’s past?! 2. Viola Davis has acted absolutely amazingly in this episode and her emotional range as an actress is something that everyone needs appreciate. I’m going to leave it there, because she just left me gobsmacked.

Doctor Who E03
Dang nammit writers, not another double episode! It’s got the Doctor and Clara at a research facility at the bottom of the lake and there’s a crew to protect from, well, things. This one ended with a WTF moment, which means that the next episode is going to have a whole lot of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff (Whovians, you better appreciate that joke 🙂 ). Also, still not a fan of the sonic sunglasses, bring back the screwdriver!!!

giphy (1)*Steven Moffat to the Whovians that don’t like the sonic sunglasses*

Bones S11 E01
This one I did not expect but:

giphy (1)*When writers make it a double episode, which they haven’t done in years*

My train of thought this episode: “Oh crap, Booth’s dead. No, come on, they won’t kill him off, he’s the reason we tolerate Bones. Ah, shit it’s [SPOILER]. Holy crap, there’s only 7 mins left, where is Booth?! Wait, no, hang on, you still haven’t found him, no, hang on, don’t show me the black screen of death. No, no, no. Nooooooo, not “to be continued!!!!!!”” And that’s all I’m going to say.

Episodes that weren’t mentioned: Scorpion E02 (finally, a slightly more realistic episode), NCIS: LA E02 (it’s all about Kensi and Deeks), The Big Bang Theory E02 and NCIS E02 (you’d think I’d stop crying about Gibbs’ family after 13 seasons, but noooo). Hope you enjoyed, see y’all next week!