Here We Go Again

Alrighty, we’re starting again. Now that the fall TV shows are almost over (Bones is taking their time), it’s time for the summer series’ to start. This week, Mr. Robot and Suits made a return and Halt and Catch Fire is due to start on the 23rd of August. I am still powering through The Walking Dead, I have 2 more episodes of the latest season to finish and after that, I’ll give you the lowdown on what I thought of seasons 4, 5 and 6. happy excited the walking dead joy rick grimes

Mr.Robot Season 2 Eo1 & Eo2
The thing I love about this show is that it started in one place, and by the end of season 1, it had gone in a completely different direction. What may have started as a crime/drama/thriller has moved into a more drama/thriller/mindf*** type show, that completely messes with your head. When we last left the show, we find out that the mysterious Mr. Robot is actually a figment of Elliot’s personality/mind that has taken the shape of his father. So not only does Elliot have issues with anxiety and depression, he is now delusional and has no control over what Mr. Robot is doing. And this is where we start Season 2 – the first two episodes focus on Elliot and his control over himself and Mr. Robot. He’s moved back in with his mother, has a strict routine that he follows, logging everything into this journal so that every minute of every day is accounted for. Mr. Robot visits him once in a while, trying to get him to get back into hacking and fixing the world, but Elliot ignores him. He starts getting delusions where Mr. Robot shoots him in the head and “kills” Gideon, but from what we can see, it’s happened before and Elliot’s learning how to stop it and come to terms with his delusions. But in true Mr. Robot fashion, in the last 10 minutes of the second episode, we learn that Elliot befriends a man from his neighbourhood but doesn’t remember the incident, until he runs home to see his journal, realising that although he might be consciously going to bed at night, his “alter ego” wakes up and does his business as well.

Meanwhile, the rest of the double episode shows is what’s been happening with the rest of the cast.  Darlene (Elliot’s sister) is still running fsociety and together, they hack into ECorp’s executives house and mess with it’s electronics (sound system, heating, alarms etc), thus making her flee to her other house and thats where they make camp. fsociety’s next plan comes into action when they hack into ECorps banking system and demand $5.9 million to be dropped off in a park in exchange for releasing the system. But of course, fsociety isn’t about money, and get the new CTO to burn all the money showing him what they’re about. Now the next bit is a little shocking. After visiting Elliot and threatening him by saying he would go to the FBI with information about Elliot’s behaviour at Allsafe, Gideon is having drinks at a bar with a man who then murders him. To be honest, I’m going to have to watch the scene again because I have no idea why the man kills him, but it does beg the question – does he have something to do with Elliot and the interaction Gideon and he had earlier that day? If Elliot doesn’t remember what he does, how do we know he didn’t ask this man to get rid of Gideon? We also get a flashback where we learn that Tyrell (that European dude who had a kinky wife that was the CTO of ECorp) was the one that recorded an fsociety video the night he went to visit Elliot (and ECorp was brought down). He’s not in the rest of the episode but we do get a bit more on his wife, who now has a new, younger sex buddy, and receives a gift with a  mobile phone in it. now what I gather from this is that Tyrell has gone into hiding (maybe?) or is staying away from the family for their protection (remember he killed that lady?) and this is the only way he can contact his wife. Who knows, we need more information. But the double episode ends with Elliot getting a call from Tyrell saying “Bonsoir Elliot” … mysterious :/baby kung fu fighting everybodySafe to say, this season of Mr. Robot has a lot to live up to considering last season was amazing, and the first two episodes have been pretty much up to that standard. Let’s see what happens!

Suits Season 6 E01
Can someone please tell the writers that character development is important and there is another formula that they can write their episodes on rather than the “something is wrong/ Louis messes up, Louis is insecure, Jessica tells him to get a grip, Louis/Jessica/Harvey fix things, Donna is smart and resourceful, and Mike and Rachel relate everything back to their relationship”. Seriously guys, I’m sick of it. Considering Mike is finally in jail and the show has a chance to progress and changes it’s boring routine, they haven’t grasped this opportunity with both hands!

So basically, we have two story lines this episode. Storyline 1 is that Mike is in jail and gets put in a cell with a fairly decent guy called Frank who was caught doing some illegal financial stuff. They start to trust each other, Mike talks to him and Frank let’s Mike send Rachel a message saying that he’s safe and ok in his cell. But that’s when Frank reveals that he’s not Mike’s cell mate (he paid off a prison guard to help him out) and has gotten close to Mike in order to get to Harvey, the lawyer that put him in jail in the first place. To make matters worse, he now has a hidden mobile phone with Rachel’s number, something he will definitely use to get back at Harvey.

In storyline 2, Harvey goes over to Rachel’s to have a chat to her but gets a call from the office. They meet up with Donna, Louis (who’s still such a drama queen) and Jessica in an empty office. Jessica gets sued for $100m from all the other partners/lawyers and they plan to serve that money to each and everyone of the lawyers because they were at the firm while Mike was still there. Look, tbh, the entire episode is a whole mess, they get hacked but in the end, they realise the best course of action is to use all the buy-ins from all the lawyers to pay for the law suits, which means that there’s no money left for the lawyers to sue Jessica for. Genius! But I think the best part of the episode is when Jessica and Harvey get Louis high with them – amidst the annoying storyline, we got to see some really good chemistry between the three that we haven’t before. Anyway, I’d be interested to see what happens next episode, will there be a Pearson Specter Litt at all?

Bones E21

This was the second last episode of the season, and I can only assume that next weeks episode will involve the long awaited wedding of Cam and Arastoo! The case this week was fairly normal, a jewellery robbery gone wrong but we also see an improvement in Hodgins paralysis, which is always good to see 🙂

Anyway, that’s me for this mid-week, delayed review – see y’all next week!

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